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The Programme for China (Zhengzhou) Intelligent Sensor Valley Released

Source:en.dahe.cn Published:2019-11-11 16:05

The Programme for China (Zhengzhou) Intelligent Sensor Valley Released



The Programme for China (Zhengzhou) Intelligent Sensor Valley was released at the World Sensors Summit 2019 on November 9. Taking Zhengzhou National High & New Technology Industries Development Zone as the center, Zhengzhou plans to build an intelligent sensor industry town covering 3 to 4 square kilometers. Meanwhile, with the goal of building the city into China Intelligent Sensor Valley, Zhengzhou will focus on the development of three intelligent sensor clusters to form three intelligent sensor industrial chains, and create an industrial space layout featuring “one valley with various supports” to foster a 100-billion-RMB industrial cluster.



The programme consists of six parts: background and trend of intelligent sensor industry; the industry’s current situation in Zhengzhou; plans and goals; key tasks and methods; major projects and applications; supporting policies and measures.



The programme analyzes the industry’s current situation in Zhengzhou, puts forward the guiding ideology, plans and goals for its further development, and states clearly the industrial space layout featuring “one valley with various supports”: “One valley” refers to Zhengzhou National High & New Technology Industries Development Zone, which focuses on the development of MEMS sensors, traditional sensors, sensor materials, and terminals; “various supports” indicate Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, National Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Zhengdong New District and Erqi District, which focus on the development of the intelligent sensor terminal mainly of such stock links as existing automotive electronics and instruments.



According to the programme, Zhengzhou will focus on building three intelligent sensor clusters, including intelligent sensor materials, systems and terminals, to develop three characteristic intelligent industrial chains, namely environmental sensors, intelligent terminal sensors and automobile sensors, aiming to promote the large-scale, characteristic, differentiated and high-end development of the intelligent sensor industry in Zhengzhou. By 2025, a 100-billion-RMB industrial cluster will be fostered. That is to say, the industry cluster of intelligent sensors in Zhengzhou will be worth 100 billion RMB, with profits and taxes reaching 15 billion RMB.

规划明确提出重点打造智能传感器材料、智能传感器系统、智能传感器终端“三个产业集群”,发展环境传感器、智能终端传感器、汽车传感器“三个特色产业链”,旨在推动郑州市智能传感器产业规模化、特色化、差异化、高端化发展。规划提出,到2025年打造千亿级产业集群,郑州市智能传感器产业相关规模达到1000亿元,利税150亿元。(记者何可 通讯员吴楷雯 编译赵汉青 审校白玉杰)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing