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5,000-year-old Silk Rediscovered at Yangshao Culture Site

Source:Henan Daily Published:2019-12-04 15:30

Rediscovery of 5,000-year-old Silk at Yangshao Culture Site Provides New Proof to Origin of China’s Silk


Where is the origin of China’s silk? What is the usage of the silk in early days? On November 3, news briefing on discovery of the silk in the period of Yangshao Culture was held by Zhengzhou Administration of Cultural Relics, releasing that, following the discovery of the earliest Chinese silk with more than 5,000 years of history at Qingtai site in Xingyang of Zhengzhou city in the 1980s, the silk fabrics of the same period was rediscovered at Wanggou site in Xingyang, which provides new proof for the research on the origin of China’s silk.


According to Gu Wanfa, head of Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, the archaeological findings show that silk protein may have already been found in China in the Peiligang Culture period, and the lines on some bottles with narrow mouth and sharp bottom as well as the cloth marks at the bottom of some utensils unearthed also demonstrate the advanced textile technology in the middle neolithic period or even earlier.


“The sites namely Qingtai, Shuanghuaishu and Wanggou are all located in the settlement clusters of Yangshao Culture period in Zhengzhou city, which is one of the important core areas of the origin of Chinese civilization. The silk unearthed here was proved as the earliest silk found in the world, since the silk discovered at Qianshanyang site of Liangzhu Culture only enjoyed a 4,200-to-4,400-year history. Therefore, it can be said that the China’s silk is probably originated around 5,500 years ago, which can also be verified with the time and place of legends about silkworm rearing and making clothing by the silk recorded in ancient books and documents.”

“青台、双槐树、汪沟等遗址地处郑州仰韶文化聚落群,是中华文明起源的重要核心地区之一。这里发现的丝绸是目前世界范围内发现的时代最早的丝织品。此前良渚文化钱山漾遗址出土的丝织品距今是4200至4400年。由此,我们可以认为,中国丝绸的起源时间很可能在距今5500年左右。这也与古籍文献中记载的嫘祖始教民育蚕,治丝茧以供衣服的传说的时间地点相互印证。”(记者温小娟 编译赵汉青 审校焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing