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52,100 Sanitation Workers Enjoy Free Breakfast in Henan Province

Source:Henan Daily Published:2019-12-16 13:35

52,100 Sanitation Workers Enjoy Free Breakfast in Henan Province


At 5:30 am on December 12, on Songshan Road of Luohe city, Chen Sanlin, a 56-year-old sanitation worker, looked at the road that had been cleaned and went to a special rest area along the road for outdoor labor to get a free breakfast.


Since the first launch of “Free Breakfast Project for Sanitation Workers” by Luohe Municipal Federation of Trade Unions in 2015, free breakfast was delivered on time every day, which has eased sanitation workers’ worries about and satisfied their needs for breakfast.


Providing free breakfast for sanitation workers. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

To provide free breakfast for more sanitation workers, Henan Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, at the beginning of this year, listed “giving support to providing free breakfast for sanitation workers” as one of its “ten practical matters” that should be accomplished by 2019, requiring all places in Henan province to promote Luohe’s experience and support trade unions at all levels and relevant government departments to provide free breakfast for sanitation workers.


Pilot projects were carried out quickly by the trade unions of 18 prefecture-level cities. In Nanyang, through “government financial subsidy + voluntary donation of caring enterprises and people + part of funds provided by Nanyang Municipal Federation of Trade Unions”, 12 out of 15 counties (county-level cities, districts) of the city are able to provide free breakfast, benefiting 7,753 sanitation workers. In Hebi, the Federation of Trade Unions of Shancheng District has widened its circle of compassion, providing free breakfast not only for sanitation workers, but also for traffic police, urban management officers, defense teams, etc. In Kaifeng, every year the government spends more than 8 million yuan ensuring that 4,837 sanitation workers have access to free breakfast. In Zhengzhou, 4 counties (county-level cities, districts) have carried out the project, with subsidies of 5 yuan per person per meal, funded by the local government.


Providing free breakfast for sanitation workers. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Incomplete statistics show that at present 78 counties (county-level cities, districts) within 18 prefecture-level cities have provided 8.6617 million free breakfast in total, benefiting 52,100 sanitation workers. The governments at all levels, trade unions, social welfare organizations, caring people and enterprises have totally invested 71.3414 million yuan to provide free breakfast for sanitation workers.

据不完全统计,目前全省18个省辖市、78个县(市、区)开展了为环卫工人提供免费早餐工作,惠及环卫工人5.21万人,提供早餐866.17万人次。全省各级政府、工会组织、社会公益组织、爱心人士、爱心企业已累计投入7134.14万元为环卫工人提供免费早餐。(记者陈小平 编译赵汉青 审校白玉杰)

Editor:Zhao Xichen