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The Import Port for Drugs in Zhengzhou Was Approved, Bringing Henan Functional Port Number Up to 10

Source:dahe.cn Published:2019-12-31 14:54

The Import Port for Drugs in Zhengzhou Was Approved, Bringing Henan Functional Port Number Up to 10


With years of efforts, Zhengzhou’s import port for drugs was finally approved, according to the news from the Information Office of Henan Provincial People’s Government. The approval of the import port for drugs will effectively alleviate the problems of purchasing imported drugs, such as high cost, slow logistics and inconvenience to buy, and officially end the history that “Henan only has imported drugs but no import port for drugs.”


The news briefing held by the Information Office of Henan Provincial People’s Government. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

With the approval of the import port for drugs, the number of Henan’s functional ports has amounted to 10, forming a most complete port functional system. In the days to come, the imported drugs can be directly transported to Zhengzhou port for customs clearance via the “Aerial Silk Road” between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg and the China-Europe Express between Zhengzhou and Europe, which will benefit the pharmaceutical market of Zhengzhou and its surrounding areas.


As a special opening-up policy implemented by the Chinese government, the functional port is an important platform for opening-up. At present, the various functional ports relying on Zhengzhou aviation port have attracted over 100 processing and logistics enterprises. The import port for drugs in Zhengzhou will attract more drug distributors and manufacturers, make port economy flourish, and help adjust and upgrade our industrial structure. The approval of the import port for drugs in Zhengzhou is a great event for the construction and development of Henan’s functional ports and of great significance to accelerate the building of an inland open economy and a new pattern of all-round opening-up.

功能性口岸是国家实行的一项特殊开放政策,是重要的开放平台。目前依托郑州航空口岸运行的各类功能性口岸,已吸引上百家加工物流企业落户。郑州药品进口口岸的获批,将吸引更多药品流通企业和医药生产企业落户郑州,促进口岸经济繁荣发展,助力我省产业结构调整和优化升级。郑州药品进口口岸获批设立,是河南省口岸建设、开放发展中的一件大事,对于我省加快打造内陆开放高地、构建全方位对外开放新格局具有重要意义。(记者申华 编译赵汉青 审校张玉红)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing