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475 Thousand Overseas Medical Suppliers Donated to Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-02-09 17:51

475 Thousand Overseas Medical Suppliers Donated to Henan


Recently, the NCP outbreak aroused continuous concerns and supports from the overseas Chinese. In aiding the anti-epidemic campaign, the overseas Chinese from all over the world overcame many difficulties of supplier shortage and logistics delay. Finally, they successfully transported medical suppliers from abroad to Henan.


Medical suppliers donated by overseas association. [Photo/Henan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese]

It is reported that, by February 8, Henan Charity General Federation has receieved 475 thousand medical suppliers worth 4.62 million yuan, including medical masks, disposable gloves, protective suits and goggles, donated by overseas associations or individuals.


On receiving these donations, Henan Charity General Federation immediately distributed the suppliers to the relevant departments according to the donators’ will to relieve the pressure of medical suppliers’ shortage in the anti-epidemic battle. So far by now, the donation is progressing continuously, and the funds and suppliers donated are still increasing.

在接收到这些爱心捐赠之后,河南省慈善总会按照捐赠人的意愿,第一时间送到各受赠单位,让这些稀缺的物资在抗疫一线发挥应有的作用。目前,海外侨胞们的爱心行动还在继续,来自海内外的捐款和医疗物资仍在不断增加。(来源大河网 翻译赵汉青 审校焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing