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The First Batch of Supplies from Henan Is to Be Sent to South Korea

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-03-11 17:06

The First Batch of Supplies from Henan Is to Be Sent to South Korea


On March 10, the news from the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee reported that the first batch of medical supplies is to be sent from Henan province to South Korea. Donated by Henan province, these supplies consisting of 400 protective suits and 2,000 KN95 masks are to be sent to North Gyeongsang and Daegu through Red Cross Society of South Korea for their urgent needs.

大河网讯 3月10日,记者从中共河南省委外事工作委员会办公室获悉,河南省筹集的首批疫情防控物资即将发往韩国。这批物资是河南在自身疫情防控工作处于最吃劲阶段的情况下,紧急筹集的400套防护服和2000只KN95口罩,即将通过韩国红十字会运抵庆尚北道和大邱市,为解韩国这两地一线医护人员燃眉之急助上一臂之力。

The first batch of medical supplies is to be sent from Henan province to South Korea. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Henan has maintained a sister-province relationship with North Gyeongsang and friendly exchanges and cooperation with Daegu. As the outbreak of the epidemic in South Korea, Henan is ready to share China’s experience on the anti-epidemic and provide assistance to overcome the difficulties jointly.


"Though bosom friends miles apart, no distance if sharing a heart" printed on the first batch of medical supplies. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

The moment knowing the epidemic in China, the mayor and the Speaker of Parliament of Incheon, governor of North Gyeongsang, mayor of Seoul and secretary-general of the Association of North East Asia Regional Governments wrote to CPC Henan Provincial Committee, Henan Provincial People’s Congress and Henan Provincial People’s Government to express their sympathy and support. Besides, North Gyeongsang and Cheju also donated medical supplies and funds to Henan province.


It is reported that the year of 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of sister-province relationship between Henan and North Gyeongsang. Based on the friendly relationship, Henan is ready to fight together with North Gyeongsang against the epidemic for future exchanges and cooperation.

据了解,2020年是河南省与庆尚北道缔结友好关系 25周年,河南省愿意与庆尚北道同心战“疫”,在疫情消除后共同举办相关交流活动,巩固双方合作基础。(记者 莫韶华 编译 赵汉青 审校 焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing