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Henan to Build 125 More Community TCM Centers

Source:Henan Daily Published:2020-03-17 15:34

Henan to Build 125 More Community TCM Centers


News from Henan Health Commission on March 13 showed that Central China's Henan province has newly identified 125 township health centers distributed in 8 prefecture-level cities such as Luoyang and Xinxiang and 3 counties directly governed by the province including Lankao, Huaxian and Xincai for the construction of TCM Comprehensive Service Area (TCM Center).

大河网讯 3月13日,记者从河南省卫生健康委员会获悉,日前河南省新确定125家基层医疗卫生机构中医综合服务区(中医馆)建设单位,涉及洛阳、新乡等8个省辖市及兰考县、滑县、新蔡县3个省直管县(市)的125家乡镇卫生院。

A doctor sticks Sanfutie plasters to a child at the First People's Hospital of Lingbao (Sanfutie is a bandage made of traditional Chinese herbal medicine and a patchwork solution for winter ills in summer). [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

TCM Comprehensive Service Area (TCM Center) refers to a relatively independent area in community medical institutions, such as township hospitals and community health service centers. A number of TCM departments are grouped together in this area so as to create a strong TCM cultural atmosphere and provide a variety of TCM treatment methods for the patients. In addition, its organization structuring, pharmacy establishment, staffing, etc., are also clearly stipulated.


According to Henan Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the TCM Centers had been successfully built in more than 1,800 township health centers in Henan by the end of 2019. A multi-level, multi-form TCM service system covering both urban and rural areas based on TCM hospitals had been basically formed.


A doctor sticks Sanfutie plasters to a child at the First People's Hospital of Lingbao (TCM practitioners believe that receiving Sanfutie during the hottest summer days is effective for coughs, asthma and arthritis). [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

A standard TCM Center is supposed to include TCM clinic, TCM pharmacy, medicine decoction room and TCM treatment room, and be equipped with TCM equipment like acupuncture, cupping and electric acupuncture apparatus, aiming to popularize TCM treatment methods based on acupuncture, massage, scrapping and cupping therapies.

根据要求,中医馆内需设置中医诊室、中药房、煎药室、中医康复室以及中医治疗室等,配备针灸、火罐、电针仪等设备,重点推广运用针灸、推拿、刮痧、拔罐等群众需要的中医药适宜技术。(记者曹萍 翻译赵汉青 审校张玉红)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing