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Henan Donates Medical Supplies Worth over 2.5 Million RMB to Luxembourg

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-03-23 15:06

“Long Distance Separates No Bosom Friends!” Henan Donates Medical Supplies Worth over 2.5 Million RMB to Luxembourg

友谊无国界,天涯若比邻” 河南向卢森堡捐赠首批医疗物资价值超250万人民币

At 10 o’clock a.m. on March 22, Cargolux’s flight Boeing 747-8F departed from Zhengzhou Airport on time for Luxembourg. Apart from ordinary commodities, the flight also carried a batch of anti-epidemic supplies donated by Henan province to help the region defeat COVID-19.

大河网讯 3月22日10时,卢森堡货航的一架波音747-8F飞机从郑州机场准时起飞。与以往不同的是,这架飞机上装载的除正常货物之外,还有一批由河南向卢森堡捐赠的抗“疫”医疗物资,将为当地抗击疫情带去河南的力量和温暖。

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“Long distance separates no bosom friends.” When Henan was at its critical stage of fighting the epidemic, Luxembourg gave support and assistance to Henan’s control effort. At present, as the outbreak escalates in Luxembourg, on hearing the news from the Chinese embassy in Luxembourg, the province, whose outbreak control is also at the most critical juncture, soon gathered the first batch of medical supplies to support Luxembourg.


Worth over 2.5 million RMB, the supplies will be transported to Luxembourg directly via Zhengzhou-Luxembourg air freight route. [Photo by He Zhiquan/For dahe.cn]

Worth over 2.5 million RMB, the supplies, including 4,500 sets of protective suits, 500 thousand medical surgical masks, 5,700 N95 masks, 100 thousand medical gloves, 600 forehead thermometers, 20 thousand bottles of hand sanitizer, 1,080 medical goggles, etc., will be transported to Luxembourg directly via Zhengzhou-Luxembourg air freight route.


The “Aerial Silk Road” between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg has become a heartwarming road of friendship amid the global anti-epidemic war. [Photo by He Zhiquan/For dahe.cn]

In recent years, Luxembourg, as one of the developed countries in Europe, has maintained frequent contact with Henan. Over the past six years, with the development of the “Aerial Silk Road”, the cooperation between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg has been broadened and enriched, and its progress and achievements are far beyond expectation, setting a good example for the joint building of the Belt and Road between China and Luxembourg. The “Aerial Silk Road” between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg, as an important economic corridor connecting China’s emerging markets with European and American developed markets, has also become a heartwarming road of friendship amid the global anti-epidemic war.


By March 20, Cargolux has conducted 25 flights since its resumption on February 14, contributing 4,055.2 tons of cargo transported. [Photo by He Zhiquan/For dahe.cn]

“By March 20, Cargolux has conducted 25 flights since its resumption on February 14, contributing 4,055.2 tons of cargo transported.” Fan Yong, vice-general manager of Henan Civil Aviation Development & Investment Co., Ltd, remarked that amid the epidemic the “Aerial Silk Road” provided smooth transportation services for European and Chinese enterprises, not only importing materials such as auto parts and electronic components needed for the resumption of production from Europe for domestic manufacturers and trading enterprises, but also exporting products manufactured by enterprises of Henan or its surrounding areas to Europe timely to ensure its normal operation.

“卢森堡货航已于2月14日恢复航班运行,截至3月20日,累计执飞航班25班,贡献货运量4055.2吨。”河南航投副总经理范勇说,疫情期间,郑卢“空中丝绸之路”为欧洲与中国企业提供了坚强运输保障,从欧洲为国内各厂商、贸易企业带回恢复生产所需汽车零配件、电子元件等物资,也将河南及周边复产企业的产品第一时间销往欧洲,保障正常经营。(记者 宋敏 贺志泉 编译 赵汉青 审校 白玉杰)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing