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Henan Discovered Rare Human Sacrifice Remains

Source:Xinhua News Agency Published:2020-04-13 15:14

Rare Human Sacrifice Unearthed at a Large Site of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in Henan Corresponds to the Record in the Oracle Bone Inscriptions

河南发现大型商周遗址 出土甲骨文记载的罕见“人祭”遗存

ZHENGZHOU, April 12 (Xinhua) — “This well-preserved human-bone structure looks like an oracle bone script — ‘坎’ (pronounced as ‘kan’ in Chinese). It is rare to see such a human sacrifice with the body not only being placed in a “kneeling” position, but also corresponding to an oracle bone script,” said Liang Fawei, head of the archaeological project of Chaizhuang Site.

新华社郑州4月12日电 “这具保存较好的人骨,形如‘坎’字的甲骨文。像这样呈跪姿,且可与甲骨文中的字形对照上的人祭现象实属罕见。”柴庄遗址发掘项目负责人梁法伟说。

Archaeologists have discovered a large number of tombs and sacrifice remains of the late Shang Dynasty at the Chaizhuang Site in Henan’s Jiyuan city, providing rich materials for the study of the social formation and ritual changes during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, of which a special human sacrifice phenomenon has attracted wide concern.


Being beheaded and facing the north, the special human sacrifice remians attracted wide concern. [Photo/Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology]

Being beheaded and facing the north, it kneels in the pit with two hands crossed in front of the bosom. According to Liang Fawei, the oracle bone inscriptions unearthed in Yin Ruins in Anyang show that sacrificial culture prevailed in the Shang Dynasty and the people at that time recorded various sacrificial activities with different pictographs like “社” “示” “坛” and “坎” (pronounced as “she” “shi” “tan” and “kan” in Chinese), of which “坎” was used to describe the way that people or animals were sacrificed in the pits.


In the past, “lying” position was frequently found in human sacrifices. Experts speculated that although it is still rare to see such a human sacrifice with the body being placed in a “kneeling” position, it might be common at that time since the body posture unearthed this time corresponds to the record in the oracle bone inscriptions.


A cattle sacrifice pit unearthed at the Chaizhuang Site. [Photo/Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology]

The Chaizhuang Site was located at a strategically important area bordering the east of the Zhiguan Passage, with the Taihang Mountains in the north and the Yellow River in the south. In literature, it was a place for the Shang Dynasty to control the south of today’s Shanxi province and a place which must be passed for King Wu’s conquest of the Shang Dynasty.


Since 2019, approved by National Cultural Heritage Administration, Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, forming a joint archaeological excavation team together with Jiyuan Cultural Relics Team, has made excavations and surveys at the Chaizhuang Site, covering an area of 6,000 square meters, to support infrastructure construction.


The remians of the early Western Zhou Dynasty discovered at  the Chaizhuang Site. [Photo/Henan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology]

“Orderly arranged tombs of the high-ranking nobles of the late Shang Dynasty, sacrificial pits, rammed earth walls and well-constructed wells were unearthed at the Chaizhuang Site, indicating that this place might act as a regional settlement center at that time.” Liang Fawei said, but no material evidence has been found to identify the exact ethnic background of the settlement due to severe tomb raiding.


At present, archaeologists are still analyzing the Chaizhuang Site and trying to restore the past settlement based on the site structure and relics unearthed, including pottery, stone tools, bone implements, clam artifacts, jade, proto-porcelains, oracle bones and so on.

目前,考古人员仍在对遗址情况进行综合整理分析,结合遗址布局结构及出土的丰富遗物,包括陶器、石器、骨器、蚌器、玉器、原始瓷和卜骨等,还原聚落的基本面貌。(记者桂娟 李文哲 翻译赵汉青 审校白玉杰)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing