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Zero! Confirmed Cases All Cleared in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-04-15 14:25

Zero! Confirmed Cases All Cleared in Henan

清零!目前河南省无在院治疗病例 确诊病例全部出院

At the 51st news briefing on COVID-19 held by the Information Office of Henan Provincial People’s Government on April 14, Zhang Ruoshi, deputy director of the General Affairs Office of the Leading Group for Epidemic Prevention and Control in Henan and deputy director of Henan Health Commission, reported the latest progress of Henan in epidemic prevention and control.

大河网讯 4月14日,在河南省政府新闻办举行的河南省新冠肺炎疫情防控专题第五十一场新闻发布会上,河南省疫情防控指挥部办公室综合组副组长、河南省卫健委副主任张若石介绍了我省疫情防控最新进展情况。

Zhang Ruoshi

According to Zhang Ruoshi, between 00:00-24:00 on April 13, 2020, no new confirmed, suspected or fatal case of COVID-19 was reported in Henan, and 1 was newly discharged from hospital.


By 24:00 of April 13, 1,276 confirmed local cases (3 were imported cases) including 22 deaths were reported in Henan in total, out of which 1254 were discharged from hospital. At present, all confirmed patients have been discharged from hospital in Henan. Among the 7 asymptomatic infections under medical observation, 2 are reported locally and the other 5 are from overseas.

截至4月13日24时,河南省累计报告确诊病例1276例(其中境外输入确诊病例3例),累计出院1254例,累计死亡病例22例。目前河南省无在院治疗病例,确诊病例全部出院。尚在接受医学观察的无症状感染者7例(其中本地报告2例,境外输入报告5例)。(记者 申华 翻译 赵汉青 审校 焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing