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Henan Health Professionals Share COVID-19 Response Experience with Overseas Chinese in Liberia

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-04-18 13:56

Henan Health Professionals Share COVID-19 Response Experience with Overseas Chinese in Liberia via Video Conference

医疗卫生专家“云支招” 河南连线利比里亚远程交流分享新冠肺炎疫情防控经验

On April 16, coordinated by the Chinese Embassy in Liberia, Henan health professionals shared their experience in fighting the COVID-19 with the representatives in the Embassy and the Chinese-funded enterprises via video conference held by the Office of Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee.

大河网讯 新冠肺炎主要临床表现是什么?疫情期间,怎么做好防护? 如何科学佩戴口罩......4月16日,河南省委外办召开河南省支持驻利比里亚使馆及中资企业华侨华人防范新冠肺炎视频会议,组织省内医疗卫生专家“云”分享抗疫经验。

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At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading globally. By April 16, 59 confirmed cases including 6 deaths have been reported in Liberia, posing a threat to the safety and health of the Liberian people and the Chinese compatriots there.


The video conference held by the Office of Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

“Despite the long distance between Henan and Liberia, both sides have good exchange and cooperation,” Fu Jing (director-general of the Office of Foreign Affairs Committee) said, Henan is closely concerned about the pandemic situation in Liberia as well as the health and safety of our compatriots, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked us to increase our support to help them with the battle against the disease.


At the two-hour video conference, Huang Xueyong (head of Henan CDC Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention), Cheng Zhexiang (director of the Respiratory Medicine Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University), and the representatives of the Chinese-funded enterprises and the overseas Chinese in Liberia shared their experience on pandemic prevention and containment and discussed topics around the major clinical manifestations of COVID-19 and the effective way of keeping safe and wearing a face mask, etc.


Exchange with the representatives of the Chinese-funded enterprises and the Chinese compatriots in Liberia. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

In addition, the two professionals replied in details to their questions such as “How to distinguish COVID-19 from the common cold?”, “Can high temperature significantly reduce the transmission of COVID-19 since the temperature has soared to above 40℃ in Liberia?” and “What measures should we take to protect seamen working in the confined space from being affected”, etc. “Thanks for holding the conference to benefit us a lot by view exchange with experts,” said Zhou Liuchao, head of CHICO (China Henan International Cooperation Group Co., Ltd) Liberian market.

“有一点感冒,如何判断是不是新冠肺炎?”“利比里亚气温现在40多摄氏度,高温下新冠病毒传播力会不会降低?”“在海上作业的船员, 空间比较密闭,应该做哪些措施?”......互动交流中,在利中资企业负责人纷纷针对他们在新冠肺炎防控具体实践中遇到的困难提问,两位专家分别进行了详细全面的解答。“感谢大使馆搭建了这个平台,让我们能有机会和相关方面专家直接沟通交流,受益非常大。”中国河南国际合作集团有限公司在利负责人周留超说。

Henan health professionals replied in details to the questions from the overseas Chinese. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

“Henan will make full use of its rich experience accumulated in COVID-19 prevention, containment and treatment and spare no efforts to provide guidance and advice for the Chinese compatriots in Liberia to make sure of their safety and health,” Liu Yanjun (one of the Leading Party Members’ Group of Henan Health Commission and  deputy director of the Commission) said, Henan Medical Team in Africa promptly shared COVID-19 response experience with the local people and the Chinese compatriots in the recipient countries after the virus outbreak and has made good achievements.

据介绍,新冠肺炎疫情发生后,河南省援非医疗队及时向非洲人民和受援国华人传授中国新冠肺炎防治经验并进行个人防护方面的指导,取得了非常好的效果。“河南省将充分利用在新冠肺炎疫情防控和临床救治工作中积累的丰富的经验,尽最大努力为在利华人在疫情防控和诊疗等方面提供指导、咨询,解答大家的关切,为大家的生命安全和身体健康保驾护航。”河南省卫健委党组成员、副主任刘延军说。(记者 刘杨 翻译 赵汉青 审校 丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing