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China’s First Air Freight Route for Fresh Products Links Central China and America

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-05-29 19:24

China’s First Air Freight Route for Fresh Products Links Central China and America


Around 8 o’clock pm of May 28, fully loaded with California cherries, an all-cargo flight (Boeing 747) taking off from Los Angeles arrived at Zhengzhou Airport. Undertaken by EAEMALL (a logistics platform of Eastern Airlines), China’s first air freight route for fresh products was launched linking Zhengzhou and South/North America. From now on, it will be convenient for local people in Henan and even the whole North China to buy foreign fresh products at home instead of overseas.


China’s first air freight route for fresh products links Central China and America. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Taking Zhengzhou Airport as its main operation base, the all-cargo air route is operated by Boeing 747 aircraft scheduled to fly 3 times a week (about 135 times a year) since June, with a yearly load of at least 27 thousand tonnes. In China, flights will depart and arrive at Zhengzhou Airport, while in America, the departing airport is not fixed but depends on the harvest period of fruit and seafood, including Miami, San Diego, Mexico City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Moncton, Seattle, etc.


On the strength of its advantages in location and transport, swift cargo distribution with lower cost, and complete supporting industries for refrigeration equipment production, Zhengzhou was selected as the base of the route for expanding deep processing business of imported fresh products to boost the development of new retail and new format, according to EAEMALL.


It is learned that with regular all-cargo flights for fresh products commenced by Henan Airport Group and EAEMALL, Zhengzhou Airport will be used as the domestic distribution center in the future. Via the city's“Aerial Silk Road”, the world’s aquatic products, fruits and beef will be shipped to Zhengzhou and after sorting and processing transported by air or land to other parts of China including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as its surrounding countries and regions like Japan, South Korea and Singapore. It can be predicted that Zhengzhou would become an international center for global fresh products, effective shipping and distribution and deep processing industry, with Zhengzhou Airport’s leading role of imported fresh products in Northeast Asia.

据悉,河南机场集团和东航物流联合开通定期全货机生鲜航线后,未来将以郑州机场为国内集散中心,依托郑州“空中丝绸之路”航线网络通道优势,将全球的水产、水果、牛肉等集中运输到郑州,经过分拣加工后,再从郑州通过空运或陆运方式,转运至包括港澳台在内的全国各地,以及日本、韩国、新加坡等周边国家和地区,助力郑州全球生鲜产品国际贸易中心、快速航运集散中心、精深加工中心建设,确立郑州机场在东北亚地区进口生鲜领域的领先地位。(记者/祝传鹏 翻译/赵汉青 实习生/朱清远 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing