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Smooth Logistics Channel Boosts Number of Trips and Cargo Throughput

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-06-30 15:11

Smooth Logistics Channel:

China-Europe Freight Train Sees Surge in Number of Trips and Zhengzhou Airport's Cargo Throughput Hits a New High

畅通物流运输通道 河南中欧班列开行量、机场货邮吞吐量实现再增长


To keep industrial and supply chains stable is a key for stable production and work resumption, since the chains of economic production are interlinked. On June 29, the 5th news briefing on “six stabilities” and “six guarantees” was held by the Information Office of Henan Provincial People’s Government to introduce the implementation work of “ensuring stable industrial and supply chains” and answer questions from journalists.

大河网讯 经济生产环环相扣,稳定产业链供应链是稳定生产、推动复工达产的关键。6月29日,河南省政府新闻办召开河南省扎实做好六稳六保工作系列新闻发布会的第五场,重点发布河南省“保产业链供应链稳定”工作落实情况,并回答记者提问。

[Photo by Shen Hua for dahe.cn]

According to the news briefing, Henan has implemented toll-free policy for vehicles carrying emergency supplies. For those vehicles with traffic permits, highway tolls will be exempted. Data shows that 9.34 billion yuan of tolls have been exempted for 110 million vehicles during the 95 days of the toll-free policy.



Meanwhile, taking the advantages in location and transport, Henan has accelerated the construction of 10 logistics channels, 10 national logistics hubs and 30 regional logistics hubs. In May, Henan’s LPI reached 55.4 percent, 0.6 percentage points higher than the national average.



China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) has resumed normal operation since February 16, and so far, the number of its trips have exceeded that of the same period of last year. Besides, the cargo throughput of Zhengzhou Airport has maintained a strong growth momentum. In the first 5 months, the airport's total throughput has witnessed a year-on-year growth of 16.3 percent, ranking 2nd in terms of growth rate and 1st for two consecutive months (in April and May).

中欧班列从2月16日开始恢复常态化运行,目前开行量已超过去年同期水平;郑州机场货运大通道实现逆势增长,前5个月累计完成货邮吞吐量同比增长16.3%,增速在全国机场中排名第二,4、5月连续两个月单月货运增速排名全国第一。(中文来源/大河网 记者/申华 编译/赵汉青 审校/张玉红)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing