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Henan’s Summer Grain Output Hits Record High

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-07-17 17:37

Henan’s Summer Grain Output Hits Record High



Henan’s summer grain output reached a record high of 75.075 billion jin (1 jin [China] = half a kilogram) this year despite the complicated natural conditions for agricultural production and the disruption of farming caused by COVID-19 pandemic, according to the data released by the Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statistics in Henan on July 16.


Wheat harvest at Luoning County, Luoyang City. [Photo/Li Feng]

The survey has revealed while the total area that grows summer crops declines 0.7 percent (1 mu [China] = 0.067 hectares) year-on-year to 85.1442 million mu, of which wheat area has been reduced by 494.6 thousand mu, down 0.6 percent to 85.1051 million mu, the average output from each mu of summer crops rises 1.0 percent to 440.87 kilograms, of which wheat yield realizes 441.00 kilograms per mu with an increase of 0.9 percent. Compared with last year when Henan’s summer grain output hit a historic high of 74.908 billion jin, this year witnesses a slight increase of 0.2 percent to 75.075 billion jin, of which wheat is up 0.3 percent to 75.063 billion jin, accounting for over 28 percent of the national total, and maintains its leading position in China.

调查结果显示,今年全省夏粮播种面积8514.42万亩,比上年减少63.55万亩,减幅0.7 %,其中小麦面积8510.51万亩,比上年减少49.46万亩,减幅0.6%。夏粮平均亩产440.87公斤,比上年增长1.0%,其中小麦平均亩产441.00公斤,比上年增长0.9%。夏粮总产量750.75亿斤,比历史最高水平的上年增产1.67亿斤,略增0.2%,其中小麦总产量750.63亿斤,比历史最高水平的上年增长0.3%,占全国小麦总产量的28%以上,继续保持全国领先地位。

Wheat harvest at Ningling County, Shangqiu City. [Photo/Yan Zhanting]

“As a major wheat producer, Henan reaps a new bumper grain harvest, meaning that our grain production capacity can provide strong support for China’s food security. Moreover, the harvest of this summer has laid a solid foundation for ensuring sustainable grain production throughout the year,” remarked Liu Yun, deputy director of Henan Provincial Food and Strategic Reserves Administration.

“作为小麦主产区,今年夏粮再获丰收,意味着我省粮食生产能力的建设已形成了稳定支撑,可以为我省以及全国粮食安全提供有力保障,同时夏粮丰收也奠定了稳定全年粮食生产的基础。”河南省粮食和物资储备局副局长刘云说。(中文/河南日报 大河网 编译/赵汉青 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing