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Henan Stimulates Economic Vitality with Multimodal Transport Services

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-09-28 18:29

Henan Stimulates Economic Vitality with Multimodal Transport Services

发展多式联运 激发经济活力


To develop the “dual circulation” pattern, the upgrade of logistics system is required, for which the multimodal transport mode is considered to be a good choice.


[Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Across four major river basins in China, namely the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Haihe River and the Yangtze River, Henan enjoys obvious advantages in location. On September 25, the Conference on Multimodal Transport of China’s Port Industry 2020 was held in Zhoukou. It was reported that Henan was designated as one of the first batch of pilot projects for raising global competitiveness by the Ministry of Transport. Henan, an inland province centered on domestic circulation with domestic and international circulations reinforcing each other, has found a new way to develop multimodal transport business by increasingly bettering schemes and strengthening policy support and institutional guarantee.


By building a multimodal transport scheme featuring seamless connection of railways, maritime transport, highways and air freight, Henan has been at the forefront of contributing to China’s Belt and Road construction. So far,  Zhengzhou-Europe International Block Train  has realized regular operation of “14 outbounds and 10 inbounds” per week; the all-cargo air routes at Zhengzhou Airport have been increased to 50 with the truck flights covering more than 70 large and medium-sized cities in China; Zhengzhou-centered domestic radiating logistics channel network will be established soon; Zhoukou Central Port has newly opened 5 container lines for the exports of Henan-made products and the imports of foreign ones.


[Photo provided to dahe.cn]

To give full play to the province’s comprehensive traffic advantages, Henan has adhered to the coordinated development of infrastructure connectivity and transport services. With institutional innovation at its core, Henan has accelerated the process of  building a multimodal transport system that is interconnected, globally distributed with only one consignment note, so as to make substantive breakthroughs in standard setting, platform construction, system adjustment, regulatory innovation and other aspects.



How to further develop multimodal transport to stimulate economic vitality? A series of measures have been rolled out in Henan. For example, a star eastbound freight route for sea-rail intermodal transport featuring close connection between five cities (Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Xinxiang, Zhumadian and Anyang) and five ports (Rizhao, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Shanghai and Ningbo) will be built with the concerted efforts of the whole province. Besides, a standard framework for provincial-level multimodal transport business will be put forward as a leading example nationally with a comprehensive standard list featuring “Henan style”.

下一步如何发展多式联运、激发经济活力?我省已进行了一系列谋划。比如整合全省力量,开展东向通道培育,重点依托郑州、洛阳、新乡、驻马店、安阳,以及沿海日照港、青岛港、连云港港、上海港、宁波港,形成“五城五港”紧密衔接的联动发展局面,打造铁海联运示范线路;比如建立省级多式联运标准框架体系,提出较为全面的、具有河南特色的多式联运标准清单,打造全国领先的多式联运标准体系样板。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing