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China-Europe Freight Train (Zhengzhou) Runs Fruitfully

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-01-06 16:04

China-Europe Freight Train (Zhengzhou) Runs Fruitfully



China-Europe Freight Train (Zhengzhou), an important carrier of the "Land Silk Road" in Central China's Henan province, set a new record in both frequencies and cargo capacities in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, which further drove Henan's opening-up, said Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Co., Ltd., on January 5.


File photo shows China Railway Express between Zhengzhou and Helsinki. (Henan Daily)


According to the latest statistics, China Railway Express between Zhengzhou and Europe totally made 1,126 trips with 714.9 thousand tons of goods worth $4.277 billion last year. Initiated on July 18, 2013, it has made 3,866 trips with a total cargo weight of 2,102,800 tons worth $16.067 billion. Among the 63 cities with China-Europe rail freight services, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) has always ranked the forefront in China in terms of quality, marketization, informationization and two-way logistics network layout, as well as the "first phalanx" place due to its comprehensive operation capability.



Facing the challenges caused by the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 and risks in 2020, China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou) gave full play to its role, standing at a unique and strategic position, in shaping the new development pattern and international anti-pandemic cooperation, which backed up the security and stability of the international industrial and supply chains.

2020年,面对突如其来的疫情和各种风险矛盾叠加带来的严峻挑战,中欧班列(郑州)发挥独特优势和战略通道作用,有力服务新发展格局和国际防疫合作,为保障国际产业链供应链安全稳定提供了有力支撑。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing