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The Fourth Session of the 13th Henan Provincial People's Congress Opens

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-01-18 20:03

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On the morning of January 18, the Fourth Session of the 13th Henan Provincial People's Congress was declared open at the Henan People's Hall. The Session was chaired by Wang Guosheng, secretary of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and director of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial People's Congress. Yin Hong, deputy secretary of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and governor of the People's Government of Henan Province, delivered the Government Work Report to the congress on behalf of the People's Government of Henan Province.

1月18日上午,河南省十三届人大四次会议在省人民会堂开幕。省委书记、省人大常委会主任王国生主持,省委副书记、省长尹弘代表省人民政府向大会作《政府工作报告》。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/任晶晶 赵汉青 审校/穆念伟)

The Fourth Session of the 13th Henan Provincial People's Congress opens at the Henan People's Hall, Jan 18. (Photo/dahe.cn)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing