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'Henan Practice' Highlighted in Supreme People's Court Work Report (PART II)

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-03-11 18:21

'Henan Practice' Highlighted in Supreme People's Court Work Report (PART II)

九项工作被点赞 一起来看最高法院工作报告里的河南元素(二)



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In the report



Courts in Hebei, Shanxi, Fujian, Henan and Hubei actively launched a campaign for addressing the issue of unpaid wages for rural migrant workers, recovering unpaid wages totaling 20.61 billion yuan.



Henan practice



Henan High People's Court along with the Department of Human Resources and Social Security released two documents, namely Notice on Handling Labor Disputes Related to COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control and Notice on Concentrating on Trials of Cases Concerning Wages of Rural Migrant Workers, to positively protect migrant workers' legitimate rights and interests, to handle labor dispute cases appropriately, to ensure employment and people's livelihood and to build harmonious labor relations during the epidemic. In 2020, Henan's courts at all levels concluded 125 criminal cases of refusing to pay labor remunerations, accepted 19.8 thousand cases of delaying paying migrant workers' salaries and recovered unpaid wages totaling 275 million yuan.



In the report



The achievements of "Xinyang Model" and "Hubei-Henan-Anhui Model" in military rights protection should be consolidated and expanded to serve the reform and construction of national defense and the armed forces as well as the military-civilian integration in order to promote the unity among the military, government and people.



Henan practice



Represented by Xinyang, courts in old revolutionary base areas in Henan formulated 10 military rights protection mechanisms, such as leadership coordination, military-civilian interaction, supervision and follow-up visits, comprehensive platform protection, priority for assistance, etc., which is praised as the "Xinyang Model" by Zhou Qiang.



In 2020, Henan's courts concluded 295 cases of armed forces and servicemen as well as 169 cases involving members of their immediate families in order to help them serve in the army without worries. On July 29, 2020, Zhou Qiang revisited Xinyang and attended the meeting on "Xinyang Model" for its promotion.



In the report



Authorized by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, 305 courts across 15 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities carried out a pilot program of the reform of separation between complicated cases and simple ones under civil procedure, and achieved a phased progress with the obvious enhancement of judicial efficiency.

根据全国人大常委会授权,15个省区市的 305个试点法院推进民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革试点,取得阶段性成效,司法效能明显提升。


Henan practice



On January 15, 2020, courts in Zhengzhou and Luoyang carried out a two-year pilot program of the reform of separation between complicated cases and simple ones under civil procedure. The main contents are: improving the procedure of small claims and the rules of summary procedure, expanding the applicable scope of the sole-judge trial system, optimizing the judicial confirmation procedure, improving the rules of electronic litigation, etc. Among the relevant cases, their applicable rate concerning small claims procedure, summary procedure and second-instance sole-judge trial system reached respectively 43.7 percent, 92.4 percent and 54.4 percent.



In the report



By implementing the No. 1 document released by the Commission for Overall Law-Based Governance of the CPC Central Committee in 2019, the work pattern of comprehensively tackling enforcement difficulties under the leadership of Party committees was constantly improved. The provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, such as Jilin, Henan, Sichuan, Tibet, Qinghai and Ningxia, formulated guidelines to address the enforcement difficulties from the root.



Henan practice



On November 28, 2020, the twenty first session of the Standing Committee of the 13th People's Congress of Henan Province approved the Decision on Strengthening Enforcement Work of People's Courts Under New Situation to state clearly the responsibility of coordination, requiring relevant departments to strengthen cooperation and information sharing with the courts across the province.



The Political and Legal Affairs Commission of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee coordinated with 36 provincial departments to follow the coordination mechanism, with substantial progress made in the construction of the unified online information sharing platform for searching people and objects within the province.

河南省委政法委协调36家省直单位完善执行联动机制,全省统一的人员、车辆、不动产网络查控平台建设取得实质性进展,有力解决了困扰法院多年的查人找物难题。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 实习生/黄骞婷 审校/焦丹)

Previous report:

'Henan Practice' Highlighted in Supreme People's Court Work Report (PART I)

九项工作被点赞 一起来看最高法院工作报告里的河南元素(一)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing