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Super-large Diameter TBM Starts Working in Australia

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-03-23 16:27

Super-large Diameter TBM Starts Working in Australia

中铁装备出口澳大利亚 超大直径硬岩掘进机顺利始发


On March 19, as the hard rock TBM with a super-large diameter (named as "CREG No. 783") for Australia's Snowy Hydro 2.0 Project started working, the crowd burst into cheers, marking the project officially entered the construction stage.



With a diameter of 11.09 meters (the largest diameter among all the TBMs exported so far), "CREG No. 783" is about 137-meter long and 2,300-ton in weight. Australia's Snowy Hydro 2.0 is one of the largest inter-basin and cross-region water transfer projects across the world. With a maximum turning radius of 500 meters and a maximum excavation depth of 723 meters, the project mainly passes through complex geological areas such as marine fine sand, silty clay, sandy clay with gravel, limestone, etc. After the completion of this project, the generating capacity of the current Snowy Hydro Project is bound to increase by 50 percent. With the output of extra 2,000 megawatts of renewable energy, it will make a significant contribution to Australia's environmental protection and sustainable development.



To solve such problems as large excavation diameter, great depth, high-strength hard rocks, soft rock breaking, downhill tunneling often accompanied with the project, "CREG No. 783" is equipped with a hard rock cutterhead, two drilling rigs, shield anti-torsion devices and a drainage system for reverse slope to quickly deal with unfavorable geological conditions. To ensure a smooth operation, CREG has organized a highly-skilled international service team to provide strong technical support.

针对该项目开挖直径大、埋深大、岩石强度高、软岩破碎、下坡掘进等工程特点,中铁工程装备集团技术人员在设计时采用了重载硬岩刀盘、主机区域设置两台常态化超前钻机、盾体反扭装置、反坡排水系统等针对性设计,具备快速超前处理不良地质的能力。为确保设备顺利始发,中铁装备组建了一支国际化高技能服务团队,为高效掘进提供了有力技术保障。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/张玉红)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing