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Henan Sees 327 Thousand New Market Entities in Q1, Up 92.7 Percent Year-on-Year

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-06 16:12

Henan Sees 327 Thousand New Market Entities in Q1, Up 92.7 Percent Year-on-Year

一季度全省新增市场主体32.7万户 同比增长92.7%


News from Administration for Market Regulation of Henan Province on April 1 -- By the end of March, the total number of market entities in Henan have reached 7.972 million with a year-on-year growth of 12.4 percent, of which 327 thousand are newly registered during the first quarter of this year, up 92.7 percent year-on-year, showing a vigorous development trend.



The vitality of market entities serves as a key barometer of regional economic development. Henan has seen rapid development of its market entities since January, of which more than eighty percent of newly-added market entities belong to the tertiary industry, especially the ones providing education services, boasting a year-on-year increase of 247 percent, followed by a year-on-year increase of more than 100 percent in health, social security and social welfare industries, culture, sports and entertainment fields as well as wholesale and retail trade sectors. It not only indicates that the service industry severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic is on the fast track to recovery, but also shows that the pandemic has also brought out new forms of service that are more suitable for people's consumption habits, with a strong resilience and potential in the province's economy.



As a pillar industry in Henan, manufacturing industry is also eye-catching. From January to March, the number of the newly-added market entities in the manufacturing industry has reached 13,690 with a year-on-year increase of 52.2 percent.



The strong vitality of market entities cannot be separated from the continuous business system reform in Henan. According to a source from the Administration for Market Regulation of Henan Province, with electronic registration playing a leading role, the continuous business system reform in Henan has not only improved public services, but also won many awards in China, establishing a model for the modernization of governance capacity in the field of market access. At present, setting up new enterprises in Henan only costs no more than two working days, while in such 14 prefecture-level cities as Zhengzhou, Luoyang and Pingdingshan, it only costs one day. The newly-launched Integrated Online Platform for setting up new enterprises in Henan has further broken down barriers between different departments by bringing together such items related to business registration, invoice, seals, tax services, etc., which has greatly aided clients and aroused people's enthusiasm for starting businesses.

市场活力的旺盛与我省持续推进的商事制度改革密不可分。省市场监督管理局主要负责人介绍,我省以登记注册全程电子化为引领,持续深化商事制度改革,不断提升政务服务水平,各项工作在全国范围内屡获殊荣,树立了市场准入治理能力现代化的标杆。目前,我省企业开办时间已经压缩至2个工作日以内,其中郑州、洛阳、平顶山等14个省辖市已实现1天办结。我省新近上线的企业开办“一网通办”平台,在更深层次上打破了部门壁垒,将企业注册、发票领取、刻章办税等事项全部集中在一个平台办理,极大便利了开办人,激发了群众创业热情。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing