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Henan's Actual Absorption of Foreign Capital Exceeds 20 Billion Dollars in 2020

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-08 17:58

Henan's Actual Absorption of Foreign Capital Exceeds 20 Billion Dollars in 2020



Providing follow-up services for major foreign-funded projects and enterprises is key to optimize investment environment and enhance service efficiency.


Henan's actual absorption of foreign capital exceeds 20 billion dollars in 2020. [Photo/dahe.cn]


According to Sun Jinglin, member of the Party Leadership Group of and deputy director-general of the Department of Commerce of Henan Province, at the news briefing held by the Information Office of the People's Government of Henan Province on April 8, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, Henan has formulated a series of preferential policies, carried out many facilitation measures and kept communication channels open to vigorously promote the smooth implementation and stable operation of key projects and enterprises.



In 2020, Henan saw 266 newly established foreign-funded enterprises, an increase of 23.7 percent, with actual absorption of foreign capital seeing 7.1 percent to $20.06 billion, completing the task of stabilizing foreign investment. In the first quarter this year, Henan's absorption of foreign capital has maintained a growth trend, with the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises, the amount of contractual foreign investment and the actual absorption of foreign capital respectively seeing an increase of 38.5 percent to 54, 304.5 percent to $890 million and 17.8 percent to $3.7 billion.

去年全省新设外资企业266家,增长23.7%;实际吸收外资200.6亿美元,增长7.1%,完成了稳外资任务。今年一季度,全省吸收外资延续了稳增长的好态势,新设外资企业54家,增长38.5%;合同外资8.9亿美元,增长304.5%;实际吸收外资37亿美元,增长17.8%,三项指标均呈现正增长。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing