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First Freight Train with Urea Packages Launched in Anyang, Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-08 18:02

First Freight Train with Urea Packages Launched in Anyang, Henan



On April 4, a freight train carrying the first batch of urea packages left Wanzhuang logistics park in Henan's Anyang city for India via Yantai Port in Shandong, said a source from the logistics park on April 7. Since then, Wanzhuang logistics park in Anyang has realized the function of goods congregation for exports. It is a new sea gate added to Anyang's eastward international logistics channel opened on January 13, 2021.


First freight train with urea packages launched in Anyang, Henan. [Photo provided to dahe.cn] 

With the advantages of geographical location, transportation hub, logistics channel, enhanced functions and preferential policies, Wanzhuang logistics park in Anyang will provide whole industry chain services for more industries and commodities, thus realizing the vision of linking Anyang with the world and vice versa.

据万庄安阳物流园相关负责人介绍,万庄安阳物流园以其交通区位优势、枢纽优势、通道优势、功能优势、政策优势,将为更多行业和商品提供全产业链服务,“让安阳走向世界,请世界走进安阳”的愿景逐步实现!(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing