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List of Key 5G Projects of Henan in 2021 Released

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-09 20:15

List of Key 5G Projects of Henan in 2021 Released



To accelerate the construction and development of 5G networks, after recommendation, evaluation and approval, a total of 559 projects are listed as Henan's key 5G projects in 2021, with a total planned investment of more than 58 billion yuan, according to the Leading Group Office of 5G Network Construction and Industrial Development of Henan Province on April 6.


Smart tourism driven by 5G technology. [Photo by Zhu Zhe for Dahe Daily]

The projects selected this time include network construction, industrial development, technology R&D, application scenarios, etc.

据悉,列入清单的项目涵盖网络建设、产业发展、技术研发、场景应用等方面。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/白玉洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing