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Admiring Peonies at Sui and Tang Dynasties City Ruins Botanical Garden

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-12 19:04

Admiring Peonies at Sui and Tang Dynasties City Ruins Botanical Garden



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The 39th China  Peony Cultural Festival has kicked off in Luoyang, the most suitable place to grow peony flowers. What are the perfect locations for visitors to enjoy peony blossoms in Luoyang? Close your eyes and imagine the beautiful scene of fully-bloomed peonies. Come on now, let's take snaps at the must-visit site -- Sui and Tang Dynasties City Ruins Botanical Garden!

“洛阳地脉花最宜,牡丹尤为天下奇。”第39届中国洛阳牡丹文化节来啦!来洛阳去哪赏牡丹?牡丹花灼灼盛开是什么样的场景?走,今天跟大河网记者打卡洛阳隋唐城遗址植物园!(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing