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32 Projects Worth 75.61 Billion Yuan Signed at Luoyang Investment & Trade Fair

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-13 15:56

32 Projects Worth 75.61 Billion Yuan Signed at Luoyang Investment & Trade Fair



On April 12, the 39th Peony Culture Festival of China - Luoyang Investment & Trade Fair was held in Luoyang with the theme of "Integrate into Dual Circulation, Build a Metropolitan Area".

以花为媒,4月12日,由河南省商务厅和洛阳市人民政府共同举办的“融入双循环 建设都市圈——第39届中国洛阳牡丹文化节投资贸易洽谈会”在洛阳举行。

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During the 39th peony flower festival, Luoyang signed 118 projects with each exceeding 100 million yuan, totaling 114.66 billion yuan, hitting a record high. At the fair, a total of 32 projects worth 75.61 billion yuan were signed, of which 24 are 1-billion-and-above projects with an investment of 72.79 billion yuan, accounting for 75 percent of the total.

大河网记者在现场获悉,本届中国洛阳牡丹文化节期间,洛阳市招商引资规模再创新高,共签约亿元以上招商引资合同项目 118个、投资总额1146.6亿元。本次投洽会上,共集中签约项目32个、投资总额756.1亿元,其中投资额超10亿元项目24个,占签约项目总数的75%,投资总额727.9亿元。

The 39th Peony Culture Festival of China - Luoyang Investment & Trade Fair. [Photo by Liu Yang for dahe.cn]

Besides, 3 cultural and tourism projects totaling 5.45 billion yuan were also signed to help develop Luoyang’s comprehensive tourism industry chain and promote high-quality development of cultural and tourism integration.

大河网记者还注意到,本届投洽会签约了3个文化旅游项目,投资总额54.5亿元,将助力完善洛阳文化游、生态游、景观游等综合旅游产业链条,促进文旅融合高质量发展。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing