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Made-in-Henan Materials Escort “Zhurong” Mars Rover

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-25 15:41

Made-in-Henan Materials Escort "Zhurong" Mars Rover



On April 24, China named its first Mars rover "Zhurong", a fire god in ancient Chinese mythology. Such good news was greeted with jubilation at the meeting room of Puyang Greencos New Material Technology, Henan Energy and Chemical Industry Group.



"We just delivered a batch of new products yesterday. We are very proud of our contribution to the development of the nation's space industry." According to Zhang Jianxun, director of Henan Noise Control Technology Engineering Research Center and deputy general manager of Puyang Greencos New Material Technology to deal with the hostile environment of Mars, featuring an average surface temperature of -55 degrees Celsius, a nighttime temperature of -85 degrees Celsius and frequent storms, China's Mars rover is equipped with many cutting-edge technologies and high-tech materials, including melamine foam, a kind of material for thermal insulation and noise reduction produced by Puyang Greencos New Material Technology.



With superior thermal insulation and noise reduction, the melamine foam weighs less than 70 grams per square meter. Besides, its oxygen index, which is used to assess fire resistance, is up to 34. To meet the requirements, Puyang Greencos New Material Technology has made increased efforts to tackle hard-nut problems in science and technology and helped the Mars rover complete a series of processes for safe operation, including technology assessment, sample delivery, formal assembly, equipment commissioning, etc.



It is worth noting that the products of Puyang Greencos New Material Technology will continue to play a crucial role in safeguarding the upcoming launch of China's space station core module. "We will actively implement the requirements of the CPC Henan Provincial Committee and the People's Government of Henan Province on sci-tech innovation, continuously improve our competitiveness and make more achievements," said Zhang Jianxun.

据悉,我国空间站核心舱发射在即,绿宇新材的产品将再次发挥重要作用。“我们将积极落实省委、省政府实施科技创新战略的要求,通过技术创新、应用创新等不断提升实力,取得更多好成绩。”张建勋说。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing