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Cross-border O2O Self-pickup Store Starts Trial Operation in Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-05-07 17:55

Cross-border O2O Self-pickup Store Starts Trial Operation in Zhengzhou

家门口“全球购”更便捷 郑州一跨境“O2O”自提馆亮相


A cross-border O2O self-pickup store covering 5,000 square meters started trial operation at Zhengzhou E-commerce Exhibition and Trading Center on May 3, becoming a new achievement in such a consumption mode following the Zhongdamen Bonded Commodity O2O Shopping Center opened in August 2017. Global shopping becomes more convenient.


Cross-border O2O self-pickup store starts trial operation in Zhengzhou. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Taking advantage of Henan's "Aerial Silk Road", the cross-border O2O self-pickup store is a new retail entity with self-pickup services for offline bonded commodities relying on the "1210" supervision mode. Through overseas direct purchasing, domestic bonded storage and whole-process customs supervision, the entire process of buying and selling can be finished within one or two minutes, realizing a kind of global buying with products of the same quality and sold at the same price with their producers.



The 5th Global Cross-border E-commerce Conference will hold an exhibition activity at Zhengzhou E-commerce Exhibition and Trading Center on May 9, displaying more than 100 thousand products imported from over 70 countries, not only to show the latest cross-border e-commerce industry and its ecological chain in an all-round way, but also to provide consumers with a precious opportunity to buy exquisite imports and exports.

据了解,第五届全球跨境电子商务大会展览展示活动,将于5月9日在郑州E贸易博览交易中心启幕,汇聚来自70多个国家的10万余种商品,全方位展示跨境电商产业新进展和生态链全貌,也为消费者提供了一个购买进出口精品的好机会。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/白玉杰)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing