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An Open Henan is Accelerating Its Integration into the World

Source:Henan Daily Published:2019-03-15 14:57

An Open Henan is Accelerating Its Integration into the World



The Central Plains in March is full of freshness and greenness.


On March 14, the Seminar on International Cooperation Project under the Belt and Road Initiative, supported by the Department of International Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and hosted by the Belt and Road Initiative Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, kicked off in Zhengzhou.


This seminar held prior to the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was highly valued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Development and Reform Commission. Zhou Xiaofei, deputy secretary-general of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, announced the establishment of the Belt and Road Initiative Center of the National Development and Reform Commission as a special support department to promote the construction of the “Belt and Road” at the First Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. As the first show of the center, this seminar held in Henan province, the “granary of China”, is of special significance.


Taking construction of the transportation hub as the starting point, the establishment of the International Aviation Logistics Center as the focus and the development of  Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone as the platform for opening-up, Henan Provincial People’s Government has taken the most advantage of the transportation and geographical location, opened the “Aerial Silk Road”, developed the “Online Silk Road” and the “Land Silk Road”, connected the “Maritime Silk Road”, integrated into the “Belt and Road” construction, and finally formed a new pattern of opening-up featuring “four-road coordination” and explored a new path for the development of the inland open economy.


The hinterland of the Central Plains, which was once isolated from borders, seas and rivers, has now developed into a pioneer in all ways of transportation with the opening of the international logistics channel.


Today, the door of Henan province is opening wider and wider, creating many opportunities for the development of inland open economy. In 2018, Henan’s imports and exports to the countries along the “Belt and Road” route increased by 23 percent, while the actual attraction of the investment from those countries increased by 24.5 percent.


The seminar set up 5 topics for discussion, including infrastructure connectivity, industrial cooperation, park construction, people’s livelihood and the “Aerial Silk Road” between Zhengzhou and Europe. Representatives from more than 20 Chinese and foreign project units, owner units, third-party cooperative enterprises, and domestic and foreign financial institutions discussed 10 typical international cooperation projects, among which, the “Aerial Silk Road” between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg was undoubtedly the focusing topic. “This project can be seen as a model for inland regions to participate in the ‘Belt and Road’ construction.” Wang Yangkun, deputy director of the Transportation Technology Center of the Comprehensive Transportation Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, commented on the project.


The smooth roads lead to the prosperous industries, while the prosperous industries drive the regional development. According to the National Immigration Bureau, the number of temporary visitors to Henan province increased by more than 80 percent in 2018, 13 times the national average, among which, the number of people coming to Henan for trade and business increased by two times.


He Jinping, vice governor of Henan Province, remarked in the welcome speech, “Long distance never separates bosom friends.” The ancient Silk Road has shown new vitality, and the “Belt and Road” international cooperation also enjoys bright prospects and great potentials. We sincerely invite all guests and friends to pay more visits in Henan province to enjoy the profound heritage of the ancient Henan and the vitality of the modern Henan.

副省长何金平在致辞中向与会嘉宾发出热情邀请:“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”,古老的丝绸之路已焕发出新的勃勃生机,“一带一路”国际合作前景光明、大有可为。诚挚邀请各位嘉宾、各位朋友在河南多走走、多看看,亲身感受古老河南的深厚底蕴和现代河南的生机活力。(记者栾姗 编译赵汉青 审校焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing