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The Use of English in Public Service Areas Has Got Provincial Guidelines in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2019-05-09 17:16


How to Put Specific Names Like "嵩山", "白马寺", "二七路" into English? The Use of English in Public Service Areas Has Got Provincial Guidelines in Henan


开水间 open water rooms,小卖部 small buy,请在一米线外等候 please wait outside a noodle,这些"神翻译"标识牌你见过吗?生活中随处可见各式各样的标识标牌,但有些标识牌的英文翻译却令人哭笑不得。告别"神翻译"的外语标识,河南准备怎么做呢?

Have you ever seen the language howlers of “开水间open water rooms”, “小卖部small buy”, “请在一米线外等候please wait outside a noodle”, etc.? There are various public signs in our society, but some of them have been translated amusingly. What measures will Henan province take to prevent such kind of translations?



On May 8th, the Launch Ceremony of the Standardization of English Usage in Public Service Areas was held in Luoyang. Henan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office released the Guidelines for the Use of English in Henan’s Public Service Sector (Trial) at the meeting. Meanwhile, the Online Inquiry System for C-E Translation of Public Signs Used in Henan’s Public Service Sector started running. From now on, public signs’ translation has its own provincial guidelines.



Foreigners get utterly lost reading “amusing translations”


"有些标识牌写的也是英文,但在语法等方面并不规范,很多时候我并不理解是什么意思。"在洛阳待了十余年的英籍外语专家Craig Hunter在接受采访时表示,很多外文标识让他摸不着头脑,尤其是交通出行,极为不便。

“Sure, some signs have been put into English, but they are not correct in terms of grammar and others. It’s hard for me to get most of them.” Craig Hunter, a British language expert who has been in Luoyang for over ten years, said to a reporter that he found many local English signs quite confusing, especially transportation information.



According to the survey, in recent years, problems like spelling, format, and grammatical errors, mistranslations, word-for-word translations, inconsistency with English expressive and international practice are common in Henan’s public service sector English signs, which have aroused much attention from all walks of life.



The leaders at the meeting pointed out that English signs in public service areas are small themselves but their influence is huge as the symbols of provincial culture, openness, and comprehensive strength.

外文标识"河南标准"出台 让河南国际范儿更足

The production of “Henan provincial guidelines” for English signs makes Henan more internationalized



The Guidelines for the Use of English in Henan’s Public Service Sector (Trial) provides references for the signs in Henan’s transportation, administrative offices, tourism, health and medicine, commerce and finance, sports, catering, culture, science & technology education, etc.



“The standardization of English signs can be more reader-friendly to foreigners, better build up our cities’ images and promote Chinese rejuvenation by means of language and education.” Wang Gangyi, former CIPG deputy director, executive vice president and secretary-general of Translators Association of China, and executive director of China Academy of Translation and Interpreting, stressed in the interview that the standardization of English signs is of great international significance for which Henan deserves credit as a leading role in China.


当天,由河南省委外事办与河南师范大学共建的河南师范大学外事语料库研究中心建立的河南省公共服务领域英文译写在线查询系统上线,成为公共服务领域英语标识英文译写分享平台,为更多应用者提供搜索查询服务。(来源大河网 编译赵汉青)

On the same day, the Online Inquiry System for C-E Translation of Public Signs Used in Henan’s Public Service Sector developed by Foreign Affairs Corpus Research Center jointly supported by Henan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office and Henan Normal University started running to provide search service for visitors.



News 1+1: How to translate the following public signs?



The Guidelines for the Use of English in Henan’s Public Service Sector (Trial) points out that translation should be legal, standard, and fit to service functions. It also illustrates these principles with persuasive examples:

Editor:Zhao Hanqing