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The Most Beautiful “Bald-headed Angel” in Henan Anti-epidemic Medical Team

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-02-12 16:32

The Most Beautiful “Bald-headed Angel” in Henan Anti-epidemic Medical Team

河南医疗队里的最美“光头” 这大概就是天使的样子

It is on the morning of February 10, the first day that the fifth batch of anti-epidemic medical team from Central China’s Henan province arrived at Wuhan. On arrival, the team members immediately commenced with the medical work. The decision to have hair cut was made for the convenience of protective suits wearing.

大河网讯 2月10日上午,河南省第五批支援湖北医疗队的医护人员抵达武汉的第一天,就忙活了起来。为方便穿防护服,他们决定集体理发。

The female medical staffs wearing medical masks in the corridor are all “bald-headed”, touching each other’s heads with a smile on their faces.


“This is my first experience to have a bald head since I was born twenty years ago, and I feel my scalp fairly cool. I’m not sure if my mum can recognize me.” A medical staff remarked with tears on her cheek when she was having her hair cut.


Many netizens gave a thumbs-up to the “bald-headed” medical staffs and affectionately called them “the most beautiful girls”.

对于医疗队员们剃光头的行为,不少网友纷纷点赞,并亲切的称她们为“最美女孩”。(视频 贾志昊 李彤 配音 韩淼宇 素材提供 郑州人民医院 郑州市第三人民医院 翻译 赵汉青 审校 焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing