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Cross-border E-commerce of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone Achieved a Historic Leap with Orders Jumping from 20 M to 70 M

Source:Henan Daily Published:2020-03-05 15:14

Cross-border E-commerce of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone Achieved a Historic Leap with Orders Jumping from 20 M to 70 M


In 2019, the cross-border e-commerce of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone achieved a great leap, with orders jumping from 20 million (2 billion yuan) to 70 million (7 billion yuan), indicating that Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, as “a leading area” for Henan’s opening-up, has become a cross-border e-commerce base with strong competitiveness and influence in China, according to Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone on March 2.

大河网讯 3月2日,记者从郑州航空港经济综合实验区获悉,2019年,该区跨境电商实现历史性跨越,产业规模从2000万单量、20亿元交易额发展到7000万单量、70亿元交易额,表明该区作为河南省对外开放龙头的优势正不断显现,已经成为在国内具有较强竞争力和影响力的跨境电商发展基地。

Henan's cross-border e-commerce is developing rapidly based on the "Online Silk Road". [Photo by He Jia/For dahe.cn]

With a total volume accounting for over 50 percent of China (Zhengzhou) Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, in 2019, Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone completed 72.9012 million orders worth 7,059 billion yuan in terms of import and export of cross-border e-commerce retail, up 244.79 percent and 196.85 percent respectively, compared with the same period in 2018, according to official statistics. 2019, as a turning point in the history of cross-border e-commerce of Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, witnessed its export business rapidly becoming a strong force to support the whole cross-border e-commerce industry, with export alone accounting for 32.69 percent of the whole industry in 2019, up from 14.22 percent in 2018, according to the analysis.


Henan's cross-border e-commerce is developing rapidly based on the "Online Silk Road". [Photo by He Jia/For dahe.cn]

In addition, Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone also made breakthroughs in cross-border export trade in 2019 – It not only launched a land freight route relying on China Railway Express between Zhengzhou and Europe, but also opened up a two-way air freight route to the countries associated with the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative. Completing 9.6718 million orders last year, Zhengzhou-Europe International Block Train, named “Cainiao”, which opened in March last year, has solved the problem of transporting electrical, liquid and bulk commodities and 30 percent of logistics costs can be saved compared to air freight, creating a mode that can be promoted nationwide. Since the launch of its export business at Zhengzhou Airport in June 2019, eBay has opened up an air freight route exclusively for European and American market, with 5.4154 million orders worth 143 million yuan declared for export last year, realizing large-scale operation. Henan Luobuchangfeng Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd and Henan YST Cross-border E-commerce Co., Ltd opened up air freight routes from Zhengzhou to Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok together, realized a two-way cycle of exporting cross-border products while importing cold-chain commodities, and created a new mode of “cross-border export + port import”. Zhengzhou Mengxuan Trading Co., Ltd cooperated with China Post to develop its export business and realized large-scale operation.

2019年,航空港实验区在跨境出口模式的探索方面也取得突破性成果——既开辟了依托中欧班列(郑州)的陆路运输路径,又开辟了“一带一路”国家的双回程进出口物流平衡的空运路径。去年3月开通的中欧班列(郑州)跨境出口“菜鸟号”,解决了带电体、液体、大体积跨境物品运输问题,比空运节约成本30%,全年完成出口单量967.18万票,形成了可复制、可推广的经验模式;eBay跨境出口业务自2019年6月在郑州机场启动以来,打通了欧美跨境航空货运专线,成功完成测试,全年申报出口541.54万单、货值1.43亿元,实现了规模化运行;罗布长风、云速通等合作开通了“郑州—吉隆坡”“郑州—曼谷”货运包机专线,实现出口跨境产品、进口冷链产品的双向循环,打造了“跨境出口+口岸进口”的新模式;郑州盟选与中国邮政合作,通过邮政体系开展跨境商品出口业务,已实现规模化运营。(记者 杨凌 编译 赵汉青 审校 李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing