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4G and Optical Network Fully Covering Henan’s Natural Villages with 20-Plus Households

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-03-24 15:23

4G and Optical Network Fully Covering Henan’s Natural Villages with 20-Plus Households



At the 22nd news briefing on COVID-19 held in Zhengzhou on March 22, Sun Li,  first-grade inspector of Henan Communications Administration and member of its Leading Party Members’ Group, answered questions from journalists.

大河网讯 3月22日,河南省新冠肺炎疫情防控专题第三十八场新闻发布会在郑州召开。会上,省通信管理局党组成员、一级巡视员孙力就相关问题回答记者提问。

Sun Li answered questions from journalists. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Henan takes the lead in fully covering the natural villages with more than 20 households with 4G and optical network


According to Sun, 3.76 billion yuan was invested in the construction of broadband network in Henan’s rural areas in 2019. The last 9,701 natural villages with more than 20 households in the province were fully covered by optical network, taking the lead in the full coverage of 4G and optical network access to natural villages with more than 20 households; school networking campaign was fully completed with the last 442 primary and secondary schools without broadband access being accessed to optical network; great progress was made in targeted reduction of network fees with 414 thousand registered poor households benefiting from packages exclusive to poverty alleviation purpose, surrendering 56.396 million yuan of profits.


Penetration rate of 4G network in rural areas will reach 80 percent this year


Henan will speed up the construction of 5G base stations and NB-IoT development in key rural areas. In 2020, 5 thousand 4G/5G base stations will be newly built, and 800 thousand mobile phone users and 50 thousand NB-IoT terminals will be newly added, with a penetration rate of 4G network in rural areas reaching 80 percent.


Reduction in broadband and data service fees will be carried out for students from families with special difficulties


As for speeding up broadband and bringing down internet rates in rural areas, Henan will further promote the policies of packages exclusive to registered poor households, accelerate full coverage of 100-megabite Internet connectivity in rural primary and secondary schools, and speed up broadband and lower package fees for students from families with special difficulties to ensure online teaching and learning amid the epidemic.

在实施农村网络提速降费方面,河南将进一步加大建档立卡贫困户扶贫专属资费政策推广力度。持续开展学校联网攻坚行动,加快实现农村中小学出口带宽百兆以上接入全覆盖。全面做好疫情防控期间宽带网络助教助学工作,深入开展特殊困难家庭学生宽带免费提速和手机流量费用减免活动。(记者申华 编译赵汉青 审校张玉红)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing