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Henan Donates Medical Supplies to Ethiopia

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-05-13 15:40

Henan Donates Medical Supplies to Ethiopia

5万只医用外科口罩、1000套一次性医用防护服 河南抗疫物资飞援埃塞俄比亚

“Weal and woe, we share long-lasting friendship.” On May 11, 50 thousand surgical masks and 1 thousand disposable protective clothing were sent to the Embassy of Ethiopia in China. These donations are raised by Henan Provincial People’s Government and a local enterprise, Henan Muyuan Group, for supporting the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia and Oromia, a sister state of Henan province in Ethiopia, which are to be directly shipped by a chartered flight of Ethiopia as an anti-pandemic aid.

大河网讯 “休戚与共,友谊长存。”5月11日,河南省人民政府联合河南牧原集团向埃塞俄比亚卫生部及友好省州奥罗米亚州捐赠的5万只医用外科口罩、1000套一次性医用防护服顺利交付埃塞俄比亚驻华使馆,即将通过埃航包机运抵该国支援其抗击疫情。

Henan donates medical supplies to Ethiopia. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is spreading rapidly in Africa. In April, the Ethiopian government declared a state of national emergency over the pandemic. The Embassy of Ethiopia in China and the Oromia government applied to Henan for aid. “Bosom friends make distance disappear.” Against this backdrop, Henan Provincial People’s Government, together with Henan Muyuan Group, aided Ethiopia in this anti-pandemic war by donating medical supplies worth of 220 thousand yuan.


Henan donates medical supplies to Ethiopia. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

The donations from Henan shining with solidarity and friendship will be treasured up in Ethiopian’s mind forever,” said Mr. Negus Kebede Kassaw, the minister counsellor of the Ethiopian Embassy in China, expressing his heartfelt gratitude to Henan’s generous aid. A letter to the governor of Oromia by Yin Hong, the provincial governor of Henan, writes that “Henan firmly supports the Ethiopian people in fighting against the pandemic, shares the same sympathy with Oromia in pandemic prevention and control, and is ready to offer sincere condolences and necessary aid.”


Early in 2000, a sister-province relationship was established between Henan and Oromia, which has achieved productive results in bilateral cooperation in the fields of infrastructure, agriculture, food processing, health care, etc. The cooperation amid the pandemic promotes the two party’s future development and immerses new impetus to jointly build a closer community with a shared future.

2000年,河南省同奥罗米亚州正式结为友好省州关系,在基础设施建设、农业、食品加工、医疗卫生等方面开展了密切交流合作,取得了丰硕成果。相信经过疫情的考验,河南省和奥罗米亚州的交往合作将会迈上新的台阶,为中埃携手应对各种挑战,构建更加紧密的命运共同体注入强劲动力。(记者 刘杨 翻译 赵汉青 审校 焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing