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China Launches 'Zhengzhou-Europe' Air Freight Route to Boost International Mail Services

Source:dahe.cn Published:2020-06-24 16:03

China Launches 'Zhengzhou-Europe' Air Freight Route to Boost International Mail Services



Carrying 4,727 bags (85 tons) of mails, an all-cargo freighter was flying from Zhengzhou to Frankfurt on June 23, marking the official launch of “Zhengzhou-Europe” air route for regular international mail services. This is also the third international air route opened this year for global mail deliveries following the air routes linking Zhengzhou with Seoul and Tokyo.

大河网讯 6月23日,一架载有4727袋85吨邮件的飞机从郑州顺利起航,飞向德国法兰克福,这标志着中国邮政号“郑州—欧洲”定期全货机邮件专线正式开通,这也是今年以来邮政继郑州至首尔、郑州至东京邮航线路开通后,新开通的第三条国际航空邮路。

China launches “Zhengzhou-Europe” air freight route to boost international mail services. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

The newly opened air route will be undertaken by a Boeing 747 all-cargo freighter (D4904) with 3 flights a week. Its opening is bound to reduce the shipping time for international mails from Henan to Europe, and facilitate global mail deliveries. For example, if the international mails from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are transported to 14 European countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Spain via Zhengzhou, the shipping time will be shortened by 1 to 2 days with an annual freight volume exceeding 5,000 tons.


China launches “Zhengzhou-Europe” air freight route to boost international mail services. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Meanwhile, international mails, e-commerce goods, electronic products, cold-chain fresh foods, etc., can also be shipped from Europe to China via the same flight, which is of great significance to further enhance the advantage and position of Zhengzhou aviation port as an international mail hub, speed up the construction of manufacturing cluster and large-scale aviation hub in Henan, and expand the channel of “Buying Global and Selling Gobal”.


China launches “Zhengzhou-Europe” air freight route to boost international mail services. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

In recent years, China Post Group Henan Branch has spared no efforts to build Zhengzhou international mail hub under the leadership of CPC Henan Provincial Committee and Henan Provincial People’s Government. Up to now, Zhengzhou postal port has opened direct mail routes to 47 cities in 36 countries (regions), playing a significant role in promoting Henan’s “Silk Road in the Air”.

近年来,河南邮政紧紧围绕省委省政府统筹推进“五区联动”“四路协同”发展,以及“全面融入‘一带一路’建设、提升对外开放水平”的相关要求,着力打造郑州国际航空邮件枢纽口岸。目前,郑州邮政口岸已开通36个国家(地区)47个城市的直航邮路,在打通“大动脉”、畅通“微循环”,推动河南“空中丝绸之路”建设中发挥了重要作用。(记者/祝传鹏 翻译/赵汉青 实习生/朱清远 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing