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A Novel “Protective Shelter” Built for China’s First Paleolithic Site Centered by Springs Published:2020-07-01 17:09

A Novel “Protective Shelter” Built for China’s First Paleolithic Site Centered by Springs



News from Xuchang Municipal People’s Government on June 30 showed that, as an important part of the first-stage project of the “Xuchang Man” Archaeological Site Park, the principal measure for protection and utilization of the “Xuchang Man” site in Lingjing town has been completed. The way of protection as a shield style can not only protect the site from natural disaster, but also provide a chance for people to enjoy the charming of the unique history and culture.


[Photo by Dong Xueyan for Henan Daily]

Located at west Lingjing town of Jian’an district of Xuchang city, the Lingjing site, China’s first Paleolithic site centered by springs has been known as the great discovery of human cranial fossils dating back to 105,000 to 125,000 years ago in 2007 and 2014, which was named as the hominids “Xuchang Man”. It is seen by academics as a major discovery in the research of the origin of modern humans in China, which differs from the past claims that ancient Chinese humans originated in Africa.



China’s earliest art sculpture -- a miniature bird statue -- was discovered from the Paleolithic site of Lingjing in Central China’s Henan province. It suggests that art sculpture in East Asia originated more than 8,000 years earlier. So far, statistics show that about 500 square meters have been excavated and over 40,000 pieces of various relics have been discovered at the Lingjing site.

据了解,出土于灵井“许昌人”遗址的灵井鸟雕像,是目前已知的最古老的中国雕塑品,它的发现将东亚雕塑艺术的起源提前了8000多年。截至目前,灵井“许昌人”遗址已发掘约500平方米,出土各类遗物逾4万件。(中文来源/河南日报 编译/赵汉青 实习生/朱清远 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing