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Cultural and Toursim Activities Bloom a Strong Festive Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-02-05 16:47

Cultural and Tourism Activities Bloom a Strong Festive Henan

“解锁”就地过年N种打开方式 河南推出“文旅大礼包”让年味儿更浓


During the 2021 Spring Festival or the Chinese Lunar New Year, how to ensure those who can't get together with their families could feel the flavor of New Year and have a taste of home as well? What cultural and tourism activities are worth our expectation in Henan? On February 4, at the news briefing on Henan's COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control in winter and spring held by the Information Office of Henan Provincial People's Government, Zhou Yaoxia, member of the Party Leadership Group of and deputy director-general of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Henan Province, answered questions from journalists.



A special New Year at cultural centers



To ensure those who stay put during the Spring Festival could enjoy a cultural feast, cultural institutions at all levels in Henan will actively carry out various cultural activities and performances. From the first day to the seventh of the Chinese Lunar New Year, a series of classic performances including Henan Opera, Peking Opera, Shaolin Kungfu and Quyi (traditional Chinese folk performances) will be staged at Henan Art Center. To display new customs and outlooks featuring traditional Chinese cultures during the festival, 160 public libraries, 205 cultural halls and 2,412 township cultural centers in Henan will open for free as usual with various folk custom activities popular with the masses. Roughly estimated, 32 thousand cultural activities will be launched across the province, of which 6,190 are online and 25 thousand are offline. Cultural institutions at the provincial level will organize 266 activities.



A colorful New Year in scenic areas



During the Chinese Lunar New Year, all 5A and a majority of 4A scenic areas in Henan will open as usual, including 225 providing free or discount tickets. Specifically, 159 scenic areas such as Jiaozuo's Qingtian River will offer free tickets while 46 including Dengfeng's Shaolin Temple and Jiaozuo's Yuntai Mountain discount tickets. All state-owned scenic areas in Anyang will provide free tickets to those staying put. All non-Luoyang residents will be exempt from entrance fees of scenic areas like Longmen Grottoes, Baiyun Mountain, Longtan Grand Valley, Jiguan Cave, Chongdu Ferry, Daimei Mountain, Qingyao Mountain, etc. Scenic areas under Xinxiang South Taihang Tourist Co., Ltd will provide free tickets to Xinxiang residents and tourists with Xinxiang's temporary residence permits or local work certificates. In addition, a series of colorful and popular cultural and tourism activities will be launched at different cities' scenic areas, including the Yuntai Mountain, Enjoy Land, Jianye & H·Brothers Movie Town, offering more choices for the public.



A meaningful New Year with Chinese operas



Organized by the Publicity Department of the CPC Henan Committee and the Department of Culture and Tourism, a livestreaming program to broadcast Henan's classic plays will be launched between February 3 to March 15. A total of 50 plays have been selected from the outstanding works created and produced in Henan in recent years, covering Henan Opera, Quju (a Beijing local opera) and Yue Opera that are popular with the masses, as well as modern dramas, dance dramas and Kungfu performances that are enjoyed by the youth. In a word, there are not only excellent traditional plays, but also newly-created realistic dramas with various forms and profound themes. On-demand programs are available at any time. You will have a meaningful New Year with Chinese operas at home.



A cultural New Year through livestreaming



With active planning, more than 173 activities related to intangible cultural heritages will be carried out mainly online. Majie Folk Arts Fair with a history of nearly 800 years in Baofeng county of Pingdingshan city will be held online for the first time, offering an opportunity for the public to visit Majie village and enjoy the art of storytelling at home. What's more, a series of intangible cultural heritages closely related to the Spring Festival in Henan have been selected and will be broadcast live to the public on some new media and video-sharing platforms, including New Year Woodcut Painting of Zhuxian Town in Kaifeng, Dragon and Phoenix Dance of Sujiazuo Village in Jiaozuo, Folk Paper Cuttings of Mengjin County in Luoyang, Majie Folk Arts Fair of Baofeng County in Pingdingshan, Temple Fair of Xunxian County in Hebi, Drum Opera of Guangshan County in Xinyang, Lion Dance of Xiaoxiang Village in Gongyi and New Year Woodcut Painting of Huaxian County in Anyang.

河南各地积极谋划,以线上为主、线下为辅,计划开展各类春节非遗活动达173项以上。比如周口举办“匠心传承·云观非遗”活动,涵盖以往数届“中原古韵——中国(淮阳)非物质文化遗产展演”精彩节目短视频推送,沿黄九省非遗传承人新春拜年视频,“非遗贺新春,红包喊不停”——观非遗视频、领拜年红包等活动。平顶山宝丰马街书会绵延近八百年,今年首次搬到线上举办,祭火神、收徒拜师、书状元评选、长篇大书擂台赛、全国优秀曲艺节目展演等活动将线上直播,让大家足不出户逛马街、听说书。此外,我省还精选了与“年文化”密切相关的非遗项目,如开封市朱仙镇木版年画、焦作市苏家作龙凤灯舞、洛阳市孟津剪纸、平顶山市宝丰县马街书会、鹤壁市浚县正月古庙会、信阳市光山花鼓戏、巩义市小相狮舞、滑县木版年画等,网友可以在新媒体平台观看相关短视频和互动直播,即使宅在家里,也能在网上寻味非遗年。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 审校/陈行洁 海报/韩雨松)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing