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The 2021 Henan TV Lantern Festival Gala to Stage 'Goddess and the Dreamer'

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-02-25 14:40

The 2021 Henan TV Lantern Festival Gala to Stage 'Goddess and the Dreamer'



"Her body soars lightly like a startled swan, and gracefully, like a dragon in flight." More than 1,700 years ago, coming across the charming scenes at the Luohe River, Cao Zhi, a gifted litterateur during the Jian'an Period (196-220), wrote this classic poetic prose Goddess of the Luohe River, in which he created a beautiful goddess image. 

“其形也,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙。” 1700多年前,“建安才子”曹植面对洛河两岸的美景写下千古名篇《洛神赋》,塑造了中国文学史上一个美丽的女神形象,令后人一咏三叹。

Goddess and the Dreamer. [Photo provided to Henan Daily]

In 2010, inspired by the classic image of the Luohe Goddess, Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater created the dance drama Goddess and the Dreamer to recreate this romantic love story spanning centuries of human existence with beautiful dance. 

2010年,借助“洛神”的经典意象,郑州歌舞剧院创作了大型舞剧 《水月洛神》,用唯美的舞蹈诠释了这段跨越千年的爱恋。


Performed at the Luoyang City Site during the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties, the Lotus Pool, a highlight part of the Goddess and the Dreamer, will be rebroadcast in the 2021 Henan TV Lantern Festival Gala.



"Luoyang used to be a famous capital of 13 dynasties and the center of the Grand Canal built during the Sui and Tang dynasties, playing a significant role in economic and cultural activities in Chinese history. Performing the Lotus Pool in Luoyang shows the profound culture of the Central Plains." Sun Shujie, head of Zhengzhou Song and Dance Theater, told the reporter on February 24.

“洛阳是十三朝古都,隋唐大运河的中心,是中国历史上经济,文化活动的重要发生地。演员们在此表演华美的《芙蓉池》,以此展示厚重的中原文化,无疑可以相得益彰。 2月24日,郑州歌舞剧院院长孙书杰接受记者采访时说。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 海报/韩雨松 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing