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Henan Deputies to 13th NPC Leave for Beijing

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-03-03 18:29

Henan Deputies to 13th NPC Leave for Beijing



At around 8 a.m. on March 3, Henan deputies to the National People's Congress (NPC), filled with passion and responsibilities, left for Beijing to attend the upcoming Fourth Session of the 13th NPC.


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Focusing on the central task of the Party and the state, the NPC deputies from Henan will deliberate reports and suggestions on issues concerning the 14th Five-Year Plan, regular epidemic prevention and control, high-quality economic and social development, poverty-relief achievements consolidating and expanding, and rural revitalization, etc.



To fulfill their duties and help people to overcome difficulties, the deputies, in various forms, made investigations in rural areas, communities, enterprises and schools before the congress, to better know the social conditions and public opinions. They also widely sought public advice in preparation for the submission of high-quality suggestions. On arrival in Beijing, they immediately devoted themselves into the intense preparation work for the congress in an effort to accurately understand the main content of the congress and try to deliver the voice of the people to the central government.



"In 2020, I participated in various live and on-the-spot activities of training and inspection for times, covering scientific and technological innovation, ecological protection and poverty alleviation, etc. At this year's NPC and CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) sessions, I will put forward suggestions on the construction of major air transport hubs in Central and West China and the high-quality development of aeronautic equipment manufacturing ," deputy Yang Yi said.



Deputy Li Shujian has been always concerned about how to convey the profound culture of the Yellow River and the spirits of Henan through good literary and artistic works. He suggests that, to deeply integrate culture and tourism, Henan Opera, as a pioneer, needs to create more works with emotions of sincerity, so that the outstanding stories of the Central Plains can flow into the hearts of the people.



As a rural primary school principal, Li Ling is more concerned about both the academic performance and mental health of "liushou ertong" (children left behind in the countryside) and "huiliu ertong" (children who return to the countryside after being out with their parents working in the cities). Her proposal this year focuses on promoting the equality of education in urban and rural areas and the development of children's physical and mental health. She will also make proposal on rural revitalization and education, improving soil condition and food security.



Working long-term at the grassroots level, deputy Liu Xianglian expresses continuous concern about issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers. She suggests to promote institutional innovation to support new types of agricultural business entities, strengthen rural collective economy, improve quality and efficiency of agriculture and increase farmers' incomes to make the ordinary people live a more rewarding life.



All the deputies are striding forward in confidence with expectations and responsibilities. They expressed their faith in performing the sacred duty and mission of NPC deputies, fulfilling the tasks of the congress and making contributions to the commencement of the 14th Five-Year Plan of Henan.

肩负使命,代表们阔步向前;不负重托,代表们信心满怀。大家纷纷表示,要认真履行好人大代表神圣的职责使命,圆满完成大会各项任务,为河南“十四五”开局起步作出积极贡献。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 实习生/黄骞婷 审校/焦丹)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing