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Henan Discovers 5,000-year-old Suspected Cement Concrete

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-03-25 14:56

Henan Discovers 5,000-year-old Suspected Cement Concrete



5,000-year-old suspected cement concrete, the earliest building material discovered in China, was found at the Yangshao Village site in Henan Province, according to the 2020 forum on Henan provincial new archaeological discoveries. This discovery brings about a totally new understanding on the types, shapes and construction techniques of the houses in Yangshao Culture period, and provides new materials for the study of the building techniques in this period.



According to Li Shiwei, who is in charge of the task of Yangshao Village site's discovery, the suspected cement concrete unearthed at the ash pit in the late Yangshao Culture period is assumed as the accumulation of the waste materials walls and floors of the houses building at that time, the color and texture of which were completely different from that of the burnt mud mixed with dried grass that was common seen in the period of Yangshao Culture. "The burnt mud is red, while the suspected cement concrete is grayish black, hard and discovered at the Yangshao Village site for the first time. Now, its specific texture, composition and strength are still in process of testing." 

仰韶村遗址发掘现场负责人李世伟介绍,此次发现的疑似水泥混凝土位于仰韶晚期灰坑中,应为房屋建筑墙壁地面的废弃堆积,颜色和质地完全区别于仰韶文化常见的草拌泥红烧土。“红烧土是红色的,而它是灰黑色的,且质地坚硬,为仰韶村遗址首次发现,目前具体材质、成分及强度等还在检测中。”李世伟说。(中文来源/新华社 翻译/赵汉青 审校/焦丹 李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing