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China Railway Express Linking Nanyang, Xi'an and Europe Launched

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-02 17:18

China Railway Express Linking Nanyang, Xi'an and Europe Launched



Whistling long, a new China Railway Express loaded with outdoor furniture worth more than 10 million yuan left Nanyang of Henan for Europe via Xi'an of Shaanxi on March 31.


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The newly-opened China Railway Express this time has become a new channel for the export of local products in Nanyang following the launch of Xixia shiitake Rail-sea Express (Central Europe) special train (China's first special train exclusive for the export of agricultural products) and Moscow-Nanyang flour express train.



"It only takes about 15 days for the goods to be transported to Europe from Nanyang, 30 days shorter than before, with 30 percent of cost reduction," said a source from Nanyang International Inland Port Multimodal Transport Co., Ltd.



The Nanyang-Xi'an-Europe express train is the fruit of Nanyang's accelerated opening-up and international cooperation. Relying on Nanyang Wolong Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Henan's second comprehensive bonded zone, and through cooperation with Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park, Nanyang has transformed Xi'an's "channel advantage" and Nanyang's "supply advantage" into a "common strength" benefiting the economic and social development of both places to promote the interconnected development and common prosperity of Southwest Henan and the Silk Road Economic Belt.



According to Li Wenpeng, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Nanyang Wolong Comprehensive Bonded Zone, the "Nanyang-Xi'an-Europe" express train has further strengthened the rail freight network linking Nanyang with Europe and set up a platform for exchanges and cooperation between Nanyang and Xi'an. In the future, they will strive to develop the "Nanyang-Xi'an-Europe" freight route into a high-quality route of China Railway Express to facilitate Nanyang's local products going global.

南阳卧龙综保区党工委书记李文鹏表示:“‘宛西欧’中欧班列的开行,再次织密了南阳与欧洲连通的‘钢铁驼队’网络,也架起了南阳和西安交流合作的平台。我们要力争把此班列打造成中欧班列的精品线路,让南阳特色产品走得更远更顺畅!”(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/白玉杰)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing