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Crested Ibises Born at Dongzhai National Nature Reserve in Luoshan, Xinyang

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-04-15 09:19

Crested Ibises Born at Dongzhai National Nature Reserve in Luoshan, Xinyang



Dongzhai National Nature Reserve in Luoshan county of Xinyang city, China's first nature reserve for ex-situ conservation of crested ibises, has achieved great success in both artificial and natural breeding of crested ibises since its introduction of such birds from other places in 2007. With the steady population growth, many crested ibis quadruplets have been found in the wild in recent years.


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By the end of 2020, over 250 crested ibis were bred artificially, of which 100 were released into the wild. Besides, more than 160 were bred naturally, bringing the total number of the wild to more than 200. It is indicated that taken root and prospered in Luoshan, the crested ibis has fully adapted to the excellent ecological environment here and has become an ecological "name card" for Henan province.

截至2020年底人工繁育朱鹮250多只,野外放飞100只,自然繁育成功160多只,野外达到200多只的种群规模。表明朱鹮完全适应罗山县这片优良的生态环境,已扎根兴旺发展起来,朱鹮已成为河南省一张亮丽的生态名片。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 审校/焦丹) 

Editor:Zhao Hanqing