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84.58 Million Mu of Wheat Harvested in Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-06-15 16:53

84.58 Million Mu of Wheat Harvested in Henan

大规模机收基本结束 河南已收获小麦8458万亩


From May 29 to June 12, the 15-day large-scale mechanized harvest of wheat in Central China's Henan province has almost been finished with a total of 84.58 million mu (1 mu equals to 0.067 hectares) harvested, accounting for 99.5 percent of the provincial total growing area, according to the Agricultural Machinery Technology Center of Henan Province on June 12.


84.58 million mu of wheat harvested in Henan. [Photo by Zhou Weixing for Henan Daily]

Henan's summer harvest this year is highlighted by agricultural machinery upgrading and harvest loss reduction.

据了解,今年夏收主要有两个突出特点:一是装备优化进度快;二是机收减损质量高。(中文来源/河南日报农村版 翻译/赵汉青 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing