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China's First Metro Train Under Chinese Standards Rolls off Production Line

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-06-29 17:11

China's First Metro Train Under Chinese Standards Rolls off Production Line



Designed by CRRC Co., Ltd., China's first metro train built to Chinese standards rolled off the production line on June 28 in Zhengzhou, capital of Central China's Henan province, marking a major breakthrough in metro train manufacturing, according to Zhengzhou Rail Transit Co., Ltd.


China's first metro train under Chinese standards rolls off production line in Zhengzhou. [Photo by Yang Zhenghua Jiang Shixun for Henan Daily]

Covering more than 85 percent of "Chinese standards", this metro train is developed with completely independent intellectual property rights. Compared with the traditional metro train, it uses a large number of new technologies, thus making the train safer and more intelligent, environmentally-friendly and affordable.



Meeting the GOA4 standard, the highest in the Grades of Automation for driverless trains created by the International Association of Public Transport, this B-type metro train will run on Zhengzhou Airport-Xuchang route with a speed 120 kilometers per hour, not only becoming the first vehicle product under China's current metro train manufacturing standards, but also the first for demonstration and application purpose.



Such trains' development and application will further perfect China's current metro train manufacturing standards, standardize the country's urban rail transit equipment and reduce the life-cycle costs of urban rail transit systems with the enhancement of their core competitiveness, thus providing important backup equipment for the high-quality and sustainable development of China's urban rail transit systems and for the construction of a strong transportation network.

据了解,系列化中国标准地铁列车的研制和示范应用,将推动我国地铁车辆标准体系的进一步完善,引领我国城轨装备“标准化”发展,降低城轨交通全寿命周期成本,增强城轨交通装备技术核心竞争力,为实现城市轨道交通高质量可持续发展,助力交通强国建设提供重要的装备支撑。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 审校/张军平)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing