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Chinese Vaccines Exported from Zhengzhou to Boost Global Fight against COVID-19

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-07-01 17:19

Chinese Vaccines Exported from Zhengzhou to Boost Global Fight against COVID-19



China has provided vaccines to the world to fight against COVID-19, which is another contribution from China. Loaded with 500 thousand doses of COVID-19 vaccines, an all-cargo flight operated by Silk Way West Airlines took off from Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport (Zhengzhou Airport) to Baku, Azerbaijan at 5:00 pm on June 29. It was the six time for Zhengzhou Airport to transport such a large quantity of made-in-China vaccines to a foreign country. At present, Zhengzhou Airport's vaccine transport runs smoothly and regularly.


Chinese vaccines exported from Zhengzhou to boost global fight against COVID-19. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Zhengzhou Airport has undertaken such an important work of transporting made-in-China vaccines to other countries since April 2021. Prior to July 1, 6 batches of vaccines have been transported with an average of 500 thousand doses per shipment and a maximum of 1 million doses.


Chinese vaccines exported from Zhengzhou to boost global fight against COVID-19. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

As a pivot for Henan to build a new "dual circulation" development pattern in which the domestic market is the mainstay and the domestic and foreign markets complement each other, Zhengzhou Airport has fostered its distinct competitive advantages in air freight coverage, infrastructure facilities, customs clearance facilitation, service innovation, etc. At present, Zhengzhou Airport's cargo throughput maintains the 6th place in China with 51 air freight routes (41 international ones) linking Henan with 63 cities (46 international ones). Covering major economies in the world, a hub-spokes airline network system with complementary advantages of domestic and foreign markets has basically taken shape, which has promoted the integration and connectivity of domestic and foreign markets. Besides, in the first half of the year, Zhengzhou Airport totally completed 340 thousand tons of cargo throughput with an increase of 34 percent year-on-year.

作为打造国内大循环重要支点和国内国际双循环战略链接的重要载体,经过多年努力,郑州机场已在航线网络通达能力、基础设施保障能力、通关便利化能力和服务创新能力等方面形成竞争优势,目前,郑州机场货邮吞吐量稳居全国第6名,已开通全货运航线51条,其中国际和地区41条;货运通航城市63个,其中国际和地区46个,基本形成国内国际相互支撑、覆盖全球主要经济体的枢纽航线网络体系,促进了国内国际两个市场融合联通。2021年上半年完成吞吐量34万吨,同比增长34%。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing