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'Red Boat' Created with Sorghum Stalks by an ICH Inheritor from Henan

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-07-02 17:17

'Red Boat' Created with Sorghum Stalks by an ICH Inheritor from Henan



Sorghum stalks, often discarded as useless, have been transformed into a series of lifelike paintings by an inheritor of an intangible cultural heritage project in Central China's Henan province. Born in the 1980s in Huaiyang county of Zhoukou city, Henan province, Yan Yuhu has not only created a variety of folk products with sorghum stalks, such as the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, but also recreated a famous "Red Boat".


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"Red Boat" costing Yan more than 3 months



"Steering a New Journey with the Spirit of Red Boat", which is created by Yan, got the first prize in the Folk Art Competition of Henan Province, the only award-winning work in this category.



Based on the Red Boat on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing city, Southeast China's Zhejiang province, this work is 3 meters long and 1 meter wide.



"It was in 2017 that I came up with the idea of 'drawing' the Red Boat on Nanhu Lake with sorghum stalks." According to Yan, "This Red Boat not only embodies the theme of 'staying true to our founding mission', but also expresses our sincere commitment to the Communist Party of China, so I believe it is of great practical and educational significance."



Easier said than done. For one thing, Yan did not see the Red Boat himself. Instead, he searched the Internet for the Red Boat's structures. "Mapping and drawing costed me about 2 months," said Yan.



The workload of the Red Boat painting is no less than a mechanical drawing. Yan has to lay out the structure of the Red Boat first and paint it step by step. The Red Boat has many parts, so he has to work very carefully on the details. When it comes to the important step, he simply locks himself in his room, surrounded by piles of sorghum stalks.



Without using any pigments, the Red Boat is colored by sorghum stalks at different times.



In this way, it took Yan more than 3 months to finish such a work.



Ancient sorghum-stalk painting revitalized with Yan's efforts



Although untalkative, Yan will not stop until reaching his goal.



Sorghum-stalk painting has a history of over 100 years. As the 7th-generation inheritor, Yan is dedicated to pass on such techniques due to his love for this cause.



"The times are progressing. I hope, with my own efforts, the sorghum-stalk painting can be invigorated and have stronger vigor in the new era." Yan said that he has also published his works on Kuaishou. Like many folk artists on Kuaishou, he hopes that the sorghum-stalk painting can be revitalized with the help of new media, attracting more young people.



"Yan has brought new strength to this ancient handicraft in a new era." Zhao Litao from Zhengzhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center remarked, "(I) also hope that there will be more 'Yan' in the future to enrich our intangible cultural heritages and pass on their spirits!"

“可以说,闫玉虎让这个古老的手工艺在新时代释放出新的活力。”郑州市非物质文化遗产保护中心的赵利涛说,“也希望有更多的‘闫玉虎’出现,丰富我们的非物质文化遗产名目,并把这类文化的精神传承下去!”(中文来源/河南商报 翻译/赵汉青 海报/实习生王君艺 审校/陈行洁)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing