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Renmin Road, a Witness of Zhengzhou's Change and Development

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-07-20 13:56

Renmin Road, a Witness of Zhengzhou's Change and Development

家乡的人民路丨一条人民路 见证郑州的发展与变迁


On the northeast corner of Renmin Road and Shangcheng Road lies a park, known as the Sanjiao (means "triangle" in English) Park by local seniors in Zhengzhou. The sculpture of Duling Rectangular Ding (1400 A.D.) standing in its center echoing with the crowd under the crown of the chinar trees on both sides of the Renmin Road seems to be a dialogue between history and the present.


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The Sanjiao Park, officially named Shangcheng Park ("Shangcheng" means the capital of the Shang Dynasty, around 1600-1046 B.C.), is a place where retired workers like Sun Lihong exercise every day. Sun was living at Sunzhuang village in the west outskirts of Zhengzhou. In October 1954, when the capital of Henan was moved from Kaifeng to Zhengzhou, Sun, aged 14, found a work as a kettleman in a department directly under the provincial jurisdiction. When it comes to the Renmin Road, Sun says that he has never expected that such a great change would take place.


Zhengzhou's Renmin Road. [Photo/dahe.cn]

"The Renmin Road was gradually developed after the relocation of the provincial capital." According to Sun, the chinar trees on both sides of the Renmin Road were planted when the road was repaired in 1954. Originally, the traffic was light with flower beds and telegraph poles in the middle of the road. Later on, during 1980s and 1990s, due to the ever-increasing number of vehicles and pedestrians, those flower beds and telegraph poles were removed. Today, the saplings planted 70 years ago have become towering trees, making the Renmin Road the most beautiful road in Zhengzhou.

“春天是麦地,秋天种杂粮,人民路也是随着省政府迁过来之后才逐步发展起来的。”孙利红回忆,人民路两旁的法桐,就是1954年修路时栽的。起初人民路中间还有花坛、电线杆等,车也不多,到上世纪八九十年代,车和人开始多起来,花坛和电线杆就拆掉了。原先种下的小树苗如今已长成遮天蔽日的大树,人民路也成为郑州城市道路的颜值担当。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/魏蔚 实习生王君艺 审校/丁岚 赵汉青)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing