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Second Round of Mass COVID Testing in Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-08-05 18:20

Second Round of Mass COVID Testing in Zhengzhou



Zhengzhou, capital city of Central China's Henan province, has launched its second round of all-inclusive nucleic acid testing campaign starting at 9 pm on August 5, according to the notice of Zhengzhou Leading Group for COVID-19 Prevention and Control. All residents in Zhengzhou (except ones in Erqi district), e.g., permanent residents, temporary residents, floating population, foreign nationals, etc., are included.


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Here are some suggestions from dahe.cn: If you want to have a nucleic acid test at hospitals, please make a phone call in advance to learn the specific requirements. If you want to have a nucleic acid test at communities, please follow the arrangement of the communities to scan the QR code for registration first, and then go to the testing site with your identity certificates. Please wear a mask, queue up orderly, keep a distance of more than one meter from others and avoid gathering or talking with each other.

大河网记者提醒广大市民:如去医院做核酸检测,可提前电话联系,了解具体情况再行前往;如在社区进行核酸检测,请根据村(社区)组织安排,携带身份证、外籍身份证明等有效证件,提前扫码登记信息,有序前往指定采样点进行采样,确保不漏一户一人。同时,核酸检测期间,请全体人员在采样期间做好个人防护,全程佩戴口罩,有序排队,并保持一米以上距离,避免聚集。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 海报/实习生王君艺 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing