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Fourth Round of Mass COVID Testing in Zhengzhou

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-08-16 16:26

Fourth Round of Mass COVID Testing in Zhengzhou




"Obviously, both residents and medical staff are more experienced, so the fourth round of all-inclusive nucleic acid testing campaign goes more efficient…" On August 15, at a testing site in a residential community in Zhengdong New District of Zhengzhou city, Henan province, a local resident surnamed Li told dahe.cn, "From waiting in line to having my swab sample collected, I only spent 15 minutes. It's the quickest round compared with the other ones."

大河网讯 “明显感觉第四轮核酸检测大家更有经验、也更高效了,不论是小区居民,还是工作人员……”8月15日,在郑州市郑东新区一小区第四轮核酸检测采样现场,居民李先生告诉大河网记者,“这轮核酸检测是目前感觉最轻松的一轮,从排队到做完采样,15分钟结束‘战斗’!”

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The reporter from dahe.cn saw residents forming long queues while maintaining their distance of at least one meter. The sampling process for each resident takes less than 15 seconds. And the collection work at the testing site goes smoothly.



Here are some tips from dahe.cn: Please leave the testing site immediately after sampling. Pay attention to hand hygiene. Use wash-free hand sanitizer if necessary. Wear a new medical mask and discard the used one to the special medical waste bag.

最后,记者在此提醒广大市民,采样完成后切记注意手部卫生,有条件者用免洗酒精擦拭双手,戴上备用口罩,将废弃口罩投入指定的医用垃圾袋,立即离开,不要在采样点逗留。(中文来源/大河网 翻译/赵汉青 海报/实习生王君艺 审校/丁岚)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing