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Secondary Business Networks Built for China-Europe Freight Train (Zhengzhou) in Anyang, Luoyang and Shangqiu

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-08-19 16:00

Secondary Business Networks Built for China-Europe Freight Train (Zhengzhou) in Anyang, Luoyang and Shangqiu

河南对外开放再传好消息 | 布局建设安阳洛阳商丘等中欧班列(郑州)二级业务网点


"The cargo must be transported to Tianjin Port first by trucks, then to Belarus by water and finally reach their destinations by local trains, which usually takes about a month." According to Anyang Forging Press Machinery Industry Co., Ltd., their products are welcome in the world market, but the transportation raises the cost.


A China-Europe freight train (Zhengzhou). [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

Such problems might be solved gradually with the extension of China-Europe freight train service in the future. According to the Development and Reform Commission of Henan Province on August 18, the General Office of the People's Government of Henan Province has released the Opinions on Accelerating Construction of Demonstration Project of China-Europe Freight Train (Zhengzhou) Assembly Center (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions) recently, clearly stating that China-Europe freight (Zhengzhou) will develop with its secondary business networks built in Anyang, Luoyang and Shangqiu to enhance inter-provincial and intra-provincial cooperation and interaction between hubs and secondary business networks. Besides, collection and distribution businesses for China-Europe freight (Zhengzhou) will be set up in available industrial parks to facilitate enterprises in Anyang, Luoyang and Shangqiu to do international businesses at their "doorstep".



According to the Opinions, business network of China-Europe freight (Zhengzhou) will be extended with more international routes. By 2025, the number of direct international routes will increase from the current 10 to more than 16, with more than 10 cooperative routes launched.

《实施意见》明确,加强通道网络建设,加密国际线路,到2025年,开行直达国际线路从当前的10条,增加到16条以上,合作班列线路10条以上。(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 海报/实习生王君艺 审校/李文竞)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing