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More than 800 Thousand Tons of Cargo Delivered by Cargolux through Henan's Air Silk Road

Source:dahe.cn Published:2021-09-07 17:42

More than 800 Thousand Tons of Cargo Delivered by Cargolux through Henan's Air Silk Road



Here comes a piece of good news about the Air Silk Road linking Zhengzhou with Luxembourg. From January to the end of August this year, Cargolux Airlines International totally made 475 flights through the Air Silk Road with a cargo volume of 87.7 thousand tons, a year-on-year increase of 19.8 percent. Besides, about 802.7 thousand tons of cargo were delivered by Cargolux Airlines from its maiden flight in 2014 to the end of August this year, which has become a key driving force for Zhengzhou's international air freight hub construction.


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In 2014, Henan Civil Aviation Development and Investment Co Ltd acquired a 35 percent stake in Cargolux Airlines and successfully launched the Air Silk Road in Zhengzhou, linking it all the way to Luxembourg. Since then, the bilateral cooperation has truly achieved extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, with Cargolux Airlines' main business indexes ranking first at Zhengzhou airport for years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Zhengzhou-Luxembourg Air Silk Road still maintained normal operation, which benefited many businesses.


A cargo plane of Cargolux Airlines. [Photo provided to dahe.cn]

At the forum on the Air Silk Road between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg on June 14, 2020, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel remarked in the video, "Both sides enjoy huge potential and unlimited opportunities for cooperation. During the pandemic, the Air Silk Road has not only become an air bridge and the vital lifeline for Luxembourg and other European countries, but also a bridge of friendship linking countries around the world." Deputy Prime Minister Francois Bausch also remarked, "Our cooperation has been very successful since 2014, which has become a win-win for both China and Luxembourg. Thanks to the dual hubs of Zhengzhou and Luxembourg, Cargolux Airlines has become the most important air freighter connecting China with Europe and the rest of the world."

2020年6月,卢森堡首相格扎维埃·贝泰尔在“空中丝绸之路”座谈会上称赞:“双方合作潜力巨大,机遇无限。在疫情期间,这条郑州—卢森堡‘空中丝绸之路’,已成为卢森堡及其他欧洲地区的生命线,是一座雪中送炭的空中桥梁,‘空中丝绸之路’已成为连接世界各国的友谊之桥。”同时,卢森堡副首相弗朗索瓦·鲍什在座谈会上表示:“回顾2014年至今,我认为这次合作非常成功,实属中国和卢森堡两国的双赢之举。得益于‘双枢纽’战略的实施,自2014年起,卢森堡货航已成为连接中国与欧洲乃至与世界其他地区的最为重要的货运航空公司。”(中文来源/河南日报 翻译/赵汉青 视频/实习生王君艺 审校/张玉红)

Editor:Zhao Hanqing